Короче вот что попробуй, игру переведи в оконный без рамки, вместо эксклюзивного полноэкранного. Вероятно в процессе перевода ты словишь BSOD, поэтому попробуй сделать это через конфиг игры, расположенный по адресу
c:\Users\<имя пользователя>\Documents\My Games\StarConflict\user_config.xml
открой блокнотом, найди в нем строчку
<r_fullscreen val=“2” />
и если там НЕ двойка, впиши двойку. Сохрани изменения, закрой блокнот и запусти игру.
_ Workarounds: _
-The workaround for Youtube video distortion on Chrome is simple. Disable hardware acceleration in the settings. You’ll immediately notice. No more black screen and refresh, no more jumping between the last two seconds, no more rainbows, and no more strange blurred gray boxes. All gone.
-For games, you have to change your fullscreen settings. If your game is in fullscreen and you get a black screen with random rainbow colors on the screen, then you need to change to WindowedFullscreen or Borderless. If that doesn’t work, you’ll have to play in Windowed and just maximize it. Every game seems to act differently. On my system, Fortnite HATES the windowed/borderless. I have to maximize a normal window. Portal, Defiance, VRChat, and many others will work on all options for me.
-As for the OpenGL, there’s no fix. Your only option is to get an Nvidia GPU for that. CEMU gets capped at 20fps. Dolphin is capable of running 60fps games at more than 120fps on DX12, but can only reach 65-75 with OGL. Mario Galaxy drops frames with OpenGL, but is buttery smooth with DX12. For all games, try to switch your renderer to Vulcan or DX12 or even 11. If OpenGL is your only option, then you’re simply out of luck with the 2200g.
-Try adding some extra voltage to ram, even if it appears fine in all tests. Not sure what happens here, but it makes the crashes less frequent sometimes. I can’t get it stable at any voltage or any speeds, but I can at least get it slightly more stable.