Damage output

The energy changed made this patch is excellent, though i feel a few cost maybe 10-15% to much, in general its excellent. However, the cool downs are still slightly to high (can be lowered 5-10seconds each), more importantly i want to address the damage in the game at the moment.

as it stands now, the damage is still two high, for the modules to have value, and they need to come down slightly, or largely in some cases.

Critical strikes should not do more then 1000 damage. base damage on heavy weapons should not do more then 500 damage (or maybe up to 650). These numbers are the numbers that the enemy takes after being hit by your fire. i am not speaking about the gun-values.

this means that in general all the heavy weapons need a damage reducing, to around what the current assault plasma is doing on impact (something like 150 base damage on gun)

these changes will make the game exception in combat and i think from there, very small changes to modules will only be needed to make the combat near perfect.

base damage on heavy weapons should not do more then 500 damage (or maybe up to 650). These numbers are the numbers that the enemy takes after being hit by your fire. i am not speaking about the gun-values.

What kind of ship should do this damage? You mean these values as average or extreme top?

I feel that it should be on average something as follows, below that i will include the modifications to weapons with these suggested rates.


ROF: 180-240rps

range: max 3k

dmg 250-350

crit: max 650

rapid fire weapons

ROF: 250-280rps

range 2.8k

dmg 150-250

crit: max 500

Long range


range max 6.5k

dmg 400-500

crit: 900-1k

heavy weapon

rof: 70-90

range max 4k

dmg 550-650

crit 1.1k-1.2k

Examples of weapons and changes these will put out (Plasma example below)


Damage increased from 100 to 150

Rapid fire

Damage increased from 70 to 125


Rate if fire increased from 66rps to 80 rps

Charge speed increased from 3150 to 3450

Heavy weapon

Damage reduced from 354 to 280

Spread reduced from 1.36 deg, to 1.15

the purpose of these changes is simple

the amount of HPS to the Alpha strike is to high. If it takes 10 seconds to regenerate shields, and you die in 2seconds, you force the players to waste 8 seconds of mod use. On this design, you are hurting the game, making it unfun and unfair. this is the problem the above changes addresses, but nerfing the 4-7k hits that some people are doing.

I ask you kindly, to run the numbers, and please try to make changes like this, nerfing the impact damage, I believe strongly it will make the game very very good. out side of this change, i only feel strongly that the frigates mass should be reduced from 4000mt to 500 or even less.



Increase Rate of fire from 60 rps, to 90 rps

Reduce damage from 0 to 150

Rapid Fire

Increase damage from 92 to 130

lower rate of fire from 240 to 190

reduce spread from 2.2 to 1.6

Long Range

damage increased from 170 to 205

change to beam, from pulse effect


Damage reduced from 373 to 265

rate of fire increased from 60 / m to 90/m

range decreased from 4000 to 3600

the effect of lasers should be all around good

moderate range

moderate damage

moderate rate of fire

its down fall should be: overheating


damage increased from 111 to 135

rate of fire increased from 150 to 165

Rapid Fire

Damage reduced from 209 to 145

rate of fire increased from 75 to 235


increase Rate of fire from 0.45 to 0.65


Damage reduced from 587 to 310

range increased from 3500 to 4200

spread reduced from 0.91 to 0.70

these changes work out so that


Plasma > Rails > Beams


Rails > Beams > Plasma

Rate of Fire

Plasma > Rails > Beams


Beams > Plasma > Rails

i am making some changes / revisions to the following weapons after re-testing the updated variations


damage increased from 111 to 135

rate of fire increased from 150 to 195

Rapid Fire

Damage reduced from 209 to 95

rate of fire increased from 75 to 365