Pleas Help - How To Calculate Weapon DPS?
DPS is shown on the weapon’s tooltip, that number is for single gun so real DPS would be x2.8 for light craft, x4 for medium craft and x6 for heavy
Damage*Rate of fire/60
i am trying to calculate weapon changes. I need the exact Formula, and the changeable variables, Is it
Damage * Rof / 60?
Or is it Damage * Rof?
Or is it Damage * G * R / 60
g = gun amount IE 2, 4, 6
r = Rate of fire
DPS of ship calculates by
Damage * G * R / 60
but for interceptors G value is 2,8 not 2.
d * R * g / 60 = real dps
d = single shot damage
R = rate of fire per minute
g = gun amount IE 2.8, 4, 6 (light craft has 1.4 multiplier to damage)
for the exam pic real light craft dps would be 120.5 * 240 * 2.8 / 60 = 1349.6 damage per second
this is what i came up with
(number) = current dps
Heavy plasma : 220 impact, 330 dps (472.67)
Decreased damage from 354.5 impact to 220
increased rate of fire to 90
Hail Plasma : 160 impact, 240 dps (200)
Increased damage from 182.3 to 160
increase rate of fire to 90
increased charge speed to 3450
Rapid : 82.5 impact 330 dps (357)
Increased damage from 76 to 82.5
decreased rate of fire to 240
Assault: 100 impact, 333.3 dps (358.33)
decreased damage from 107.5 to 100
decreased spread to 0.95
Heavy Laser: 220, 330dps (322)
Decreased Damage from 370 to 220
increased rate of fire 90
Set to projectile based weapon
Set Projectile Charge speed to 4250
Set Overheating to 9 seconds
Set Cooling to 3 seconds
Assualt beam: 185 impact, 277.5 dps (235.1)
Decrease the damage from 235.5 to 185
Increased rate of fire to 90 RPM
Long Range Beam: 135 impact, 247.5 dps (195)
Increased rate of fire to 110
decreased damage to 135 from 195.9
Raid Pulse: 85 impact,340Dps (378)
Decreased damage from 99.2 to 85
Assault Rail: 270 Impact, 270 dps (279.75)
increased damage from 111.9 to 270
decreased rate of fire to 60
Rapid-Fire: 60 Impact, 280 dps (261.63)
decreased damage from 111.9 to 60
increased rate of fire to 280
Stabilized 225 impact, 225 dps (186.53)
Decreased damage from 248.7 to 225
Increased rate of fire to 60
Heavy Railguns: 335 impact, 335 dps (351)
Decreased damage from 562 to 335
Increased rate of fire to 60
20000HP / 400 dps = 50s Tank
12500HP / 400 dps = 31.5s Tank
5500HP / 400 dps = 13.75s Tank
20000HP / 300 dps = 66.6s Tank
12500HP / 300 dps = 41.6s Tank
5500HP / 300 dps = 18.3s Tank
Why the ROF increase?
In rails, it make them more dependable, what was happening is the people hiding behind rocks would move out of the line of sign, and regen, making the hit worthless.
On Lasers, it was basically the same, thus the rate of fire increase made them more deadly, but over a slightly longer period of time.
Why the damage nerf on heavy weapons?
as it stands now, the thing really breaking tanking in the game and making it worthless is heavy weapons. the 6-7k hits are causing the tank-builds players to die actually faster then a mobility build, for this reason the burst was nerfed.
Wont this make tanking Over powered?
If it does, its because of resistance. In general armor is on part with what it needs to be at, and it is a little strong on frigates. This is mostly due to resistance from passives and modules combined.
The fix to this is to reduce the resistance granted on the ships themselves. At the same time stabilize the modules. In other words, the multi-shield adapter (all resistance) And the armor Resistance needs to become like the module “aegis”, cost 29 energy to run, and grant 35 All resistance.
Lastly, armor tanking needs to become something like
X amount every 3 seconds, for X seconds.
Example: 800 hp ever 3 seconds for 12 seconds.