Missile Systems & New Bombs

First i would like to purpose the idea of radically changing the missile system.

The idea is to give every missile a mass, and the silo max mT


Rockets 2 mT

Missile 3 mT

Cruiser Missiles  4 mT

Torpedo’s 5 mT

Mines 1 mT

Mine Fields 3mT

Death ray 5mT


Leave two missile silo’s this allow players to launch two missiles at once (By swaping to second silo after first is on cool down) This is an excellent mechanic.


Change ship class to carry difference ordiance


Interceptor - Rocket, Mini-torpedo Single Mine only

Fighter - Primarily Missile (can some times have either rocket or cruise)

Frigate - Cruiser, Torp, MF, DR


Design all silos to have

Interceptor 10mt / 10 mt

Fighter 15/15 Mt

Frigate  20/20





Increase rocket damage (+ 150-200 impact)

increase mobility on missile to ( 80m/s)

Increase turn/mobility of Cruise to  (60m/s)

Increase turn/mobility of Torpedo to (40m/s)

increase aoe damage on torpedo to 2k

increase mine field duration to 3 minutes

Add cloaked mine field, 50% Damage of normal mine field

Add feature to single mines to move (375 ms/s) to the target with in 350 m)

Create new “mini-torpedo” Slower rocket, but higher damage