Частые вылеты с игры

Вылетает игра уже полтора года. Нервов не хватает пишу сюда. Вылетает во время боя, пвп, пве, ангар. и т.д 

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2018.03.04 15.53.58.zip

винда 32-х битная - система не использует всю оперативку

с некоторых пор игра стала требовать по минимальных ресурсах наличие 64-й винды

[@DeathLTD](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/1125679-deathltd/) 


19 часов назад, kamiuss32 сказал:

винда 32-х битная - система не использует всю оперативку

с некоторых пор игра стала требовать по минимальных ресурсах наличие 64-й винды


Именно так

Винда х64, ОЗУ - 32Gb, своп - динамически выделяемый на SSD, доступно для выделения 12+Gb, получаем вылет:

00:21:23.527 FATAL| ===!!! Out of system memory !!!=== 00:21:23.527 FATAL| Unsuccessfully tried (20 times) to allocate 4096 kb from Top 00:21:23.527 FATAL| System allocator borders 0xF6200000-0xF65E0000 00:21:23.527 WARNING| ======================= MEMORY USAGE ============================ 00:21:23.527 WARNING| Physical : totl 32209.06M used 13403.86M free 18805.20M 00:21:23.527 WARNING| Virtual : totl 4095.88M used 4014.33M free 81.54M 00:21:23.527 FATAL| ===!!! Out of system memory !!!===


В 08.03.2018 в 13:45, lrsi сказал:

Винда х64, ОЗУ - 32Gb, своп - динамически выделяемый на SSD, доступно для выделения 12+Gb, получаем вылет:

00:21:23.527 FATAL| ===!!! Out of system memory !!!=== 00:21:23.527 FATAL| Unsuccessfully tried (20 times) to allocate 4096 kb from Top 00:21:23.527 FATAL| System allocator borders 0xF6200000-0xF65E0000 00:21:23.527 WARNING| ======================= MEMORY USAGE ============================ 00:21:23.527 WARNING| Physical : totl 32209.06M used 13403.86M free 18805.20M 00:21:23.527 WARNING| Virtual : totl 4095.88M used 4014.33M free 81.54M 00:21:23.527 FATAL| ===!!! Out of system memory !!!===


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--- Date: 2018-03-07 (Wed Mar 2018) RTZ 2 (зима) UTC+03:00 22:23:58.329 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 22:23:58.329 | // 22:23:58.329 | // Build: StarConflict (Mar 7 2018 15:18:20) 22:23:58.329 | // params: -lang RUSSIAN -nosteam 22:23:58.329 | // 22:23:58.329 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 22:23:58.329 | 22:24:01.393 | Try to setup resolution 1920x1200 1920x1200 1 22:24:01.394 | Overwrite fullscreen resolution to 1920x1200 1 22:24:02.143 | Client language: RUSSIAN 22:24:02.246 | Number of audio devices: 4 22:24:02.248 | Audio device 0: Speakers (High Definition Audio Device) 22:24:02.249 | Sound caps: OUTPUT\_FORMAT\_PCM8 OUTPUT\_FORMAT\_PCM16 OUTPUT\_FORMAT\_PCM24 OUTPUT\_FORMAT\_PCM32 OUTPUT\_FORMAT\_PCMFLOAT 22:24:02.249 | Speaker mode: STEREO 22:24:02.249 | Audio device 1: Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device) 22:24:02.249 | Sound caps: OUTPUT\_FORMAT\_PCM8 OUTPUT\_FORMAT\_PCM16 OUTPUT\_FORMAT\_PCM24 OUTPUT\_FORMAT\_PCM32 OUTPUT\_FORMAT\_PCMFLOAT 22:24:02.249 | Speaker mode: STEREO 22:24:02.249 | Audio device 2: DELL U2410 (Intel(R) Display Audio) 22:24:02.250 | Sound caps: OUTPUT\_FORMAT\_PCM8 OUTPUT\_FORMAT\_PCM16 OUTPUT\_FORMAT\_PCM24 OUTPUT\_FORMAT\_PCM32 OUTPUT\_FORMAT\_PCMFLOAT 22:24:02.250 | Speaker mode: STEREO 22:24:02.250 | Audio device 3: 8=0\<8:8 (3- Logitech USB Headset) 22:24:02.250 | Sound caps: OUTPUT\_FORMAT\_PCM8 OUTPUT\_FORMAT\_PCM16 OUTPUT\_FORMAT\_PCM24 OUTPUT\_FORMAT\_PCM32 OUTPUT\_FORMAT\_PCMFLOAT 22:24:02.250 | Speaker mode: STEREO 22:24:02.250 | Number of recording audio devices: 1 22:24:02.250 | Recording audio device 0: Microphone (3- Logitech USB Headset) 22:24:02.251 | Speaker mode: STEREO 22:24:04.796 WARNING| Could not load ship specularity texture levels\envsettings\default\ship\_specularity.dds, used level specularity texture 22:24:04.797 WARNING| Could not load ship irradiance texture levels\envsettings\default\ship\_irradiance.dds, used level irradiance texture 22:24:04.797 | Environment setting 'default' loaded 22:24:04.818 | Entity Defs hash B2E821F9. calculated in 4.83 ms 22:24:05.878 | BnRandCaller succeeded 22:24:05.905 | ReplayManager: stopping activity due to map change 22:24:05.917 | Peak models: 195 22:24:05.917 | Peak geometries: 52. Cur geometries: 52 22:24:06.025 | ====== starting level: 'levels/mainmenu/mainmenu' ====== 22:24:06.075 WARNING| Could not load ship specularity texture levels\envsettings\mainmenu\ship\_specularity.dds, used level specularity texture 22:24:06.075 WARNING| Could not load ship irradiance texture levels\envsettings\mainmenu\ship\_irradiance.dds, used level irradiance texture 22:24:06.075 | Environment setting 'mainmenu' loaded 22:24:07.620 | MasterServer\_RequestServerStatus 22:24:07.620 | MasterServer\_RequestServerVersion 22:24:07.620 | MasterServer\_RequestNewsFeed 22:24:07.620 | MasterServer\_RequestServerAddresess 22:24:07.620 | Requesting web advert ... 22:24:07.635 | ====== level started: 'levels/mainmenu/mainmenu' success ====== 22:24:07.862 WARNING| frame 78 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.136700) 22:24:07.863 | MasterServer\_OnServerStatus: status code 0, server status 1 22:24:07.863 | MasterServer\_OnServerVersion: status code 0, version , my version is 22:24:07.863 | MasterServer\_OnServerAddresess: status code 0 22:24:07.863 | MasterServer\_OnWebAdvertisement: status code 0 22:24:07.864 | MasterServer\_OnWebAdvertisement: loading image 0/0 from cache... 22:24:07.865 | MasterServer\_OnWebAdvertImage: status code 0 22:24:07.881 | MasterServer\_OnWebAdvertisement: loading image 0/1 from cache... 22:24:07.882 | MasterServer\_OnWebAdvertImage: status code 0 22:24:07.882 ERROR| MasterServer\_OnWebAdvertImage: failed to load image: progressive jpeg 22:24:07.882 | MasterServer\_OnWebAdvertisement: loading image 1/0 from cache... 22:24:07.882 | MasterServer\_OnWebAdvertImage: status code 0 22:24:07.891 | MasterServer\_OnWebAdvertisement: loading image 1/1 from cache... 22:24:07.892 | MasterServer\_OnWebAdvertImage: status code 0 22:24:07.892 ERROR| MasterServer\_OnWebAdvertImage: failed to load image: progressive jpeg 22:24:07.892 | MasterServer\_OnWebAdvertisement: loading image 2/0 from cache... 22:24:07.892 | MasterServer\_OnWebAdvertImage: status code 0 22:24:07.901 | MasterServer\_OnWebAdvertisement: loading image 2/1 from cache... 22:24:07.901 | MasterServer\_OnWebAdvertImage: status code 0 22:24:07.901 | MasterServer\_OnWebAdvertisement: loading image 3/0 from cache... 22:24:07.901 | MasterServer\_OnWebAdvertImage: status code 0 22:24:07.912 | MasterServer\_OnWebAdvertisement: loading image 3/1 from cache... 22:24:07.912 | MasterServer\_OnWebAdvertImage: status code 0 22:24:07.912 ERROR| MasterServer\_OnWebAdvertImage: failed to load image: progressive jpeg 22:24:07.912 | MasterServer\_OnWebAdvertisement: loading image 4/0 from cache... 22:24:07.912 | MasterServer\_OnWebAdvertImage: status code 0 22:24:07.924 | MasterServer\_OnWebAdvertisement: loading image 4/1 from cache... 22:24:07.924 | MasterServer\_OnWebAdvertImage: status code 0 22:24:07.924 | MasterServer\_OnWebAdvertisement: loading image 5/0 from cache... 22:24:07.924 | MasterServer\_OnWebAdvertImage: status code 0 22:24:07.933 | MasterServer\_OnWebAdvertisement: loading image 5/1 from cache... 22:24:07.933 | MasterServer\_OnWebAdvertImage: status code 0 22:24:07.933 | MasterServer\_OnWebAdvertisement: loading image 6/0 from cache... 22:24:07.933 | MasterServer\_OnWebAdvertImage: status code 0 22:24:07.942 | Finalizing WebAd image fetching. 22:24:07.964 | MasterServer\_OnNewsFeed: status code 0 22:24:09.123 | MasterServerEndpoint: connecting to load balancer at [0]... 22:24:09.148 | MasterServerEndpoint: connected to load balancer, awaiting shard address... 22:24:09.166 | Applying LB cvars... 22:24:09.166 | 'mss\_playerBoughtVesselAdCooldown' \<- '20.000' 22:24:09.166 | 'clan\_shipBuildHighRanks' \<- '10.000' 22:24:09.166 | 'sv\_dailyWinPvpExpRewardCf' \<- '2.000' 22:24:09.166 | 'clan\_shipPartsCanBuild' \<- '4.000' 22:24:09.166 | 'event\_claws' \<- '0.000' 22:24:09.166 | 'event\_halloween' \<- '0.000' 22:24:09.166 | 'sv\_dailyWinPveExpRewardCf' \<- '2.000' 22:24:09.166 | 'quests\_groupLoyaltyRate' \<- '1.000' 22:24:09.166 | 'clan\_shipUpgradeCanBuild' \<- '3.000' 22:24:09.166 | 'mss\_playerBoughtVesselAdLoBrace' \<- '-4.000' 22:24:09.166 | 'cl\_showBiomorphsKilledCounter' \<- '0.000' 22:24:09.166 | 'sv\_dailyWinCoopExpRewardCf' \<- '2.000' 22:24:09.166 | 'mss\_playerBoughtVesselAdHiBrace' \<- '4.000' 22:24:09.166 | MasterServerEndpoint: received shard address ( 22:24:09.166 | MasterServerEndpoint: received chat server address ( 22:24:09.166 | disconnected from masterServer with reason 0 22:24:09.166 | Disconnecting from load balancer 22:24:09.182 | MasterServerEndpoint: connected to shard, awaiting auth request... 22:24:09.553 | Profile 'irsi' saved successfully in 'c:\users\irsi\onedrive\Документы\my games\starconflict\profiles\0001.prfl' 22:24:09.581 WARNING| frame 157 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.377961) 22:24:11.413 WARNING| Player is already in game! Nothing will work besides accepting or leaving the game (TODO) 22:24:11.413 | MasterServerEndpoint: Successfully login to masterServer, uid 1423145, nick lrsi, spaceStationZoneId 231 22:24:11.446 WARNING| script (ui\scripts\work\uigamefuncs.lua@0): UI:UpdateQuestsData()[ERROR]: quests are not inited 22:24:11.463 | StoreSvc: received store hash, its 8e924a40 22:24:11.463 | StoreSvc: loading store cache 22:24:11.464 | StoreSvc: cache signature matches, loading the store from cache 22:24:11.464 | Game store size : 885.26172 Kb 22:24:11.477 | StoreSvc: loading base store took 13.1 ms, but there is a patch probs... 22:24:11.496 | Store patch size : 0.24609 Kb 22:24:11.496 | Store patch was packed, unpacked size : 0.43164 Kb 22:24:11.496 | StoreSvc: proceeding to special values loading... 22:24:11.536 WARNING| script (ui\scripts\work\gameobjects\chat.lua@0): UI.Chat:RemoveClanTab()[ERROR]: self.clanChannel is nil. 22:24:11.542 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 12.5 ms 22:24:11.694 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 12.7 ms 22:24:11.771 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 6.9 ms 22:24:11.808 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 20.4 ms 22:24:11.971 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 8.6 ms 22:24:11.996 | ReplayManager: stopping activity due to map change 22:24:12.016 | Peak entities: 197 22:24:12.016 | Peak models: 212 22:24:12.035 | Peak geometries: 356. Cur geometries: 247 22:24:12.125 | ====== starting level: 'levels\mainmenu\mm\_alidium' ====== 22:24:12.187 | Environment setting 'mm\_alidium' loaded 22:24:13.054 | ====== level started: 'levels\mainmenu\mm\_alidium' success ====== 22:24:13.061 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 6.8 ms 22:24:14.219 WARNING| frame 325 GPU wait time is too large (1.148821) 22:24:14.240 WARNING| frame 326 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (1.157037) 22:24:15.321 | MasterServerSession: connect to dedicated server, session 33122904, at addr|35017 22:24:15.379 | client: start connecting to|35017... 22:24:15.386 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 7.5 ms 22:24:15.437 | client: connected to|35017, MTU 1492. setting up session... 22:24:15.463 | client. send version check message (931 bytes) 22:24:15.555 | client. got onConnect init message. total 18401 bytes 22:24:15.556 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 0 (lrsi [AS], 1423145) status 1 team 1 22:24:15.556 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 1 (Niko1982 [], 1596142) status 4 team 2 22:24:15.556 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 2 (Aztek1980 [], 327414) status 4 team 1 22:24:15.556 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 3 (Lis48 [AS], 1328129) status 4 team 2 22:24:15.556 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 4 (RUS68 [], 1166947) status 4 team 1 22:24:15.556 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 5 (AZemlyanin [], 1545885) status 4 team 2 22:24:15.556 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 6 (fenix64338 [], 871025) status 4 team 2 22:24:15.556 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 7 (DRB11 [], 2197885) status 4 team 1 22:24:15.556 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 8 (ZahaDum [AS], 1643968) status 4 team 1 22:24:15.556 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 9 (Viperpekc [], 1193902) status 4 team 2 22:24:15.556 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 10 (freedom9 [], 81861) status 4 team 1 22:24:15.556 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 11 (DESAHNJS [], 2087871) status 4 team 2 22:24:15.556 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 12 (DarkLordGex [], 1382065) status 4 team 1 22:24:15.556 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 13 (gohan261, 2419859) status 4 team 2 22:24:15.556 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 14 (killbat [], 1514351) status 4 team 1 22:24:15.556 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 15 (SerB [], 1363048) status 4 team 2 22:24:15.556 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 16 (Lazercom [], 1932501) status 4 team 1 22:24:15.556 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 17 (Alonei [], 2873307) status 4 team 2 22:24:15.556 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 18 (Deddy [], 1420706) status 4 team 1 22:24:15.557 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 19 (topgan11 [], 2597447) status 4 team 2 22:24:15.575 | client: server assigned id 0 22:24:15.575 | client: got level load message 's8256\_thar\_concourse' 22:24:15.617 | ReplayManager: stopping activity due to map change 22:24:15.673 | Peak entities: 1121 22:24:15.673 | Peak models: 341 22:24:15.705 | Peak geometries: 943. Cur geometries: 247 22:24:15.815 | ====== starting level: 'levels\area2\s8256\_thar\_concourse' KingOfTheHill client ====== 22:24:16.416 WARNING| Async queue overflow 22:24:16.521 | Resume async queue pushing 22:24:16.554 WARNING| Async queue overflow 22:24:16.667 | Resume async queue pushing 22:24:16.718 WARNING| Async queue overflow 22:24:16.828 | Resume async queue pushing 22:24:16.872 WARNING| Async queue overflow 22:24:16.947 | Resume async queue pushing 22:24:16.973 WARNING| Async queue overflow 22:24:17.085 | Resume async queue pushing 22:24:17.117 WARNING| Async queue overflow 22:24:17.153 | Resume async queue pushing 22:24:17.211 WARNING| Async queue overflow 22:24:17.285 | Resume async queue pushing 22:24:17.322 WARNING| Async queue overflow 22:24:17.357 | Resume async queue pushing 22:24:17.400 WARNING| Async queue overflow 22:24:17.511 | Resume async queue pushing 22:24:17.578 WARNING| Async queue overflow 22:24:17.613 | Resume async queue pushing 22:24:17.629 | Environment setting 's8256\_thar\_concourse' loaded 22:24:17.658 WARNING| Async queue overflow 22:24:17.734 | Resume async queue pushing 22:24:17.835 | client: send ready message 22:24:17.899 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 0 (lrsi [AS], 1423145) status 2 team 1 22:24:17.899 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 1 (Niko1982 [STEEL], 1596142) status 4 team 2 22:24:17.899 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 2 (Aztek1980 [ZGARD], 327414) status 4 team 1 22:24:17.899 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 3 (Lis48 [AS], 1328129) status 4 team 2 22:24:17.899 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 4 (RUS68 [PM], 1166947) status 4 team 1 22:24:17.899 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 5 (AZemlyanin [CCCP], 1545885) status 4 team 2 22:24:17.899 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 6 (fenix64338 [ST0RM], 871025) status 4 team 2 22:24:17.899 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 7 (DRB11 [NURS], 2197885) status 4 team 1 22:24:17.899 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 8 (ZahaDum [AS], 1643968) status 4 team 1 22:24:17.899 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 9 (Viperpekc [TNP], 1193902) status 4 team 2 22:24:17.899 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 10 (freedom9 [TSW], 81861) status 4 team 1 22:24:17.899 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 11 (DESAHNJS [BlM], 2087871) status 4 team 2 22:24:17.899 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 12 (DarkLordGex [StarC], 1382065) status 4 team 1 22:24:17.899 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 13 (gohan261, 2419859) status 4 team 2 22:24:17.899 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 14 (killbat [DvR], 1514351) status 4 team 1 22:24:17.899 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 15 (SerB [HWN], 1363048) status 4 team 2 22:24:17.899 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 16 (Lazercom [DvR], 1932501) status 4 team 1 22:24:17.899 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 17 (Alonei [uHbIE], 2873307) status 4 team 2 22:24:17.900 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 18 (Deddy [ZION], 1420706) status 4 team 1 22:24:17.900 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 19 (topgan11 [BEAST], 2597447) status 4 team 2 22:24:17.943 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 0 (lrsi [AS], 1423145) status 4 team 1 22:24:17.951 | client: got init message (and 1st snapshot). ping 11 22:24:18.992 | ====== level started: 'levels\area2\s8256\_thar\_concourse' success ====== 22:24:20.613 WARNING| frame 523 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.162062) 22:24:21.129 WARNING| frame 536 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.168853) 22:24:21.517 WARNING| frame 538 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.195634) 22:24:21.538 WARNING| frame 539 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.192978) 22:24:21.697 WARNING| frame 541 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.141421) 22:24:22.081 WARNING| frame 553 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.117536) 22:24:22.462 WARNING| frame 562 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.114113) 22:24:23.376 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #8 for entity with netId 3249, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_CrystallSparks') 22:24:24.790 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_KILL\_ENEMY' due too far (owner 'ZahaDum') 22:24:26.127 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 3474, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:24:26.131 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'RUS68') 22:24:27.519 WARNING| frame 814 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.124128) 22:24:28.813 WARNING| frame 876 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.144612) 22:24:28.966 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'ZahaDum') 22:24:29.671 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 3727, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:24:32.663 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_KILL\_ENEMY' due too far (owner 'RUS68') 22:24:32.746 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'RUS68') 22:24:32.995 WARNING| frame 1078 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.135142) 22:24:34.556 WARNING| frame 1150 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.126371) 22:24:35.387 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_ENEMY\_KILL\_ALLY\_SHIP' due too far (owner 'Deddy') 22:24:39.814 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'RUS68') 22:24:39.872 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_KILL\_ENEMY' due too far (owner 'Deddy') 22:24:41.063 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_KILL\_ENEMY' due too far (owner 'DarkLordGex') 22:24:41.733 WARNING| frame 1502 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.117587) 22:24:45.385 WARNING| frame 1687 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.123886) 22:24:51.547 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_KILL\_ENEMY' due too far (owner 'DRB11') 22:24:52.788 | Play sentence 'ANCR\_ALLY\_CAPTURE\_NEUTRAL\_POINT'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 1.0, voiceid 1 22:24:56.257 WARNING| client: removing entity netId 5377 but it doesn't exist (def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:24:56.258 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'freedom9') 22:25:03.627 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_KILL\_ENEMY' due too far (owner 'freedom9') 22:25:03.674 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 5660, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:25:03.675 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 5662, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:25:11.595 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 6041, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:25:14.109 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 6184, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:25:14.109 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 6186, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:25:15.844 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 6242, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:25:17.544 | Play sentence 'ANCR\_SHIELD\_DESTROYED'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 30.0, voiceid 1 22:25:17.708 | Skip sentence 'ANCR\_SHIELD\_DESTROYED' due timeout 22:25:17.880 | Skip sentence 'ANCR\_SHIELD\_DESTROYED' due timeout 22:25:17.883 | Skip sentence 'ANCR\_HULL\_CRITICAL' due voiceId 1 not setuped 22:25:18.878 | Skip sentence 'ANCR\_INCOMING\_MISSILE' due already playing 'ANCR\_SHIELD\_DESTROYED' 22:25:19.342 | Skip sentence 'ANCR\_SHIELD\_DESTROYED' due timeout 22:25:19.342 | Queue sentence 'ANCR\_LOST\_CONNECTION\_WITH\_SHIP' due already playing 'ANCR\_SHIELD\_DESTROYED' 22:25:19.342 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_ENEMY\_KILL\_ALLY\_SHIP' due too far (owner 'killbat') 22:25:19.346 | Skip sentence 'ANCR\_INCOMING\_MISSILE' due already playing 'ANCR\_SHIELD\_DESTROYED' 22:25:19.447 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 6414, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:25:19.447 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 6416, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:25:19.448 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'killbat') 22:25:20.023 | Play sentence 'ANCR\_LOST\_CONNECTION\_WITH\_SHIP'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 30.0, voiceid 1 22:25:20.171 | Skip sentence 'CMDR\_ALLY\_POINT\_NO\_DRONES\_LEFT\_2' due already playing 'ANCR\_LOST\_CONNECTION\_WITH\_SHIP' 22:25:22.187 ERROR| PSM\_REMOVE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 18, idx 0, statuses num 0 22:25:22.187 | Queue sentence 'CMDR\_KING\_HILL\_CHANGED' due already playing 'ANCR\_LOST\_CONNECTION\_WITH\_SHIP' 22:25:22.922 | Play sentence 'CMDR\_KING\_HILL\_CHANGED'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 1.0, voiceid 3 22:25:23.120 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'killbat') 22:25:23.527 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'killbat') 22:25:26.153 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'killbat') 22:25:28.593 | Play sentence 'ANCR\_ALLY\_CAPTURE\_NEUTRAL\_POINT'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 1.0, voiceid 1 22:25:29.310 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'killbat') 22:25:30.047 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #8 for entity with netId 6716, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_CrystallSparks') 22:25:33.569 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'killbat') 22:25:34.528 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #8 for entity with netId 6871, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_CrystallSparks') 22:25:34.528 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #7 for entity with netId 6871, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_CrystallSparks') 22:25:35.234 | Environment setting 's8256\_thar\_concourse' loaded 22:25:36.392 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_ENEMY\_KILL\_ALLY\_SHIP' due too far (owner 'freedom9') 22:25:37.724 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 6971, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:25:40.258 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_KILL\_ENEMY' due too far (owner 'RUS68') 22:25:44.634 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_KILL\_ENEMY' due too far (owner 'DarkLordGex') 22:25:51.798 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Deddy') 22:25:53.933 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'DarkLordGex') 22:25:54.098 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'DarkLordGex') 22:25:55.264 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'RUS68') 22:25:57.132 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 7477, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:25:57.481 | Play sentence 'CMDR\_ALLY\_POINT\_NO\_DRONES\_LEFT\_0'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 1.0, voiceid 3 22:25:58.831 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 6, idx 1, statuses num 1 22:25:59.422 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'RUS68') 22:26:06.900 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Aztek1980') 22:26:07.783 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'DarkLordGex') 22:26:08.831 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_KILL\_ENEMY' due too far (owner 'Aztek1980') 22:26:14.599 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #8 for entity with netId 8504, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_CrystallSparks') 22:26:17.937 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Lazercom') 22:26:19.137 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'RUS68') 22:26:20.654 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_KILL\_ENEMY' due too far (owner 'RUS68') 22:26:21.104 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_KILL\_ENEMY' due too far (owner 'RUS68') 22:26:22.233 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'RUS68') 22:26:28.560 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'RUS68') 22:26:29.779 WARNING| ^1Effect 'hud\_objectsMark\_insideShip\_aimBorder1' has no animation with id '-1' 22:26:29.779 WARNING| ^1Effect 'hud\_objectsMark\_insideShip\_aimBorder2' has no animation with id '-1' 22:26:29.779 WARNING| ^1Effect 'hud\_objectsMark\_insideShip\_aimBorder3' has no animation with id '-1' 22:26:29.779 WARNING| ^1Effect 'hud\_objectsMark\_insideShip\_aimBorder4' has no animation with id '-1' 22:26:31.927 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Lazercom') 22:26:32.055 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 9366, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:26:32.212 | Play sentence 'CMDR\_KING\_HILL\_CHANGED'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 1.0, voiceid 3 22:26:36.755 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Aztek1980') 22:26:39.918 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_KILL\_ENEMY' due too far (owner 'RUS68') 22:26:40.113 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'freedom9') 22:26:40.187 WARNING| client: removing entity netId 9730 but it doesn't exist (def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:26:40.640 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 9753, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_SuppressingFire\_T5\_Epic') 22:26:41.542 | Play sentence 'ANCR\_ALLY\_CAPTURE\_NEUTRAL\_POINT'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 1.0, voiceid 1 22:26:43.279 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'RUS68') 22:26:47.208 WARNING| script (ui\scripts\work\uigamefuncs.lua@0): UI:GetEntityLocalizedNameByDef()[ERROR]: cannot find def "n/a" 22:26:48.391 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'RUS68') 22:26:49.818 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'RUS68') 22:26:53.142 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'freedom9') 22:26:53.318 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_ENEMY\_KILL\_ALLY\_SHIP' due too far (owner 'Lazercom') 22:26:57.033 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_KILL\_ENEMY' due too far (owner 'RUS68') 22:26:57.070 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 10350, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:26:57.070 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 10352, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:26:58.012 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Aztek1980') 22:26:59.362 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Lazercom') 22:26:59.479 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Lazercom') 22:26:59.578 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Aztek1980') 22:27:04.884 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 10703, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:27:05.697 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'RUS68') 22:27:05.697 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'RUS68') 22:27:06.098 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'RUS68') 22:27:06.851 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_ENEMY\_KILL\_ALLY\_SHIP' due too far (owner 'ZahaDum') 22:27:09.881 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_KILL\_ENEMY' due too far (owner 'RUS68') 22:27:12.460 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'DRB11') 22:27:14.025 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 11001, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:27:17.006 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_KILL\_ENEMY' due too far (owner 'RUS68') 22:27:19.584 WARNING| client: removing entity netId 11110 but it doesn't exist (def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:27:20.359 WARNING| client: removing entity netId 11123 but it doesn't exist (def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:27:20.584 WARNING| client: removing entity netId 11127 but it doesn't exist (def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:27:23.687 | Play sentence 'CMDR\_VICTORY\_KING\_SCORE\_REACHED'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 1.0, voiceid 3 22:27:24.999 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'killbat') 22:27:28.842 | ReplayManager: replay (4.94Mb) is avaibalbe for downloading! 22:27:31.423 | Loot: 22:27:31.423 | Iridium\_Junk\_r13: 1 22:27:32.690 | nextRecheckOnDSFailure -1520450944.000, vid 10089115 22:27:32.690 | nextRecheckOnDSFailure -1520450944.000, vid 10104240 22:27:32.690 | nextRecheckOnDSFailure -1520450944.000, vid 21811823 22:27:32.690 | nextRecheckOnDSFailure -1520450944.000, vid 22163539 22:27:32.690 WARNING| Re-requesting vessel information due to m\_nextVesselsLockRecheck \<= 0.0f (frameTimeReal = 0.020001) 22:27:32.724 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 34.8 ms 22:27:32.760 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 31.9 ms 22:27:33.154 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 34.3 ms 22:27:33.353 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 34.2 ms 22:27:34.736 | client: player 17 leave game 22:27:34.902 | client: player 1 leave game 22:27:34.955 | Loot: 22:27:34.955 | Silver\_Junk\_T1\_3: 1 22:27:35.012 | client: player 3 leave game 22:27:35.232 | client: player 11 leave game 22:27:35.575 | client: player 19 leave game 22:27:35.806 | client: player 5 leave game 22:27:36.752 | Loot: 22:27:36.752 | Silver\_Junk\_T1\_3: 1 22:27:37.316 | client: player 13 leave game 22:27:37.769 | client: player 6 leave game 22:27:38.093 | client: player 9 leave game 22:27:38.281 | client: player 8 leave game 22:27:38.486 | Loot: 22:27:38.486 | Silver\_Junk\_T1\_13: 1 22:27:40.279 | Loot: 22:27:40.279 | Silver\_Junk\_T1\_101: 1 22:27:41.290 | client: player 18 leave game 22:27:41.965 | client: player 4 leave game 22:27:42.192 | Loot: 22:27:42.192 | ship\_part\_Ship\_Race2\_S\_T5\_Premium: 1 22:27:42.699 | client: player 12 leave game 22:27:43.495 | client: player 16 leave game 22:27:45.007 | client: player 2 leave game 22:27:45.516 | Loot: 22:27:45.516 | ow\_UltraDurableAlien\_ore: 1 22:27:46.139 | client: player 10 leave game 22:27:47.749 | client: player 14 leave game 22:27:49.520 | client: avgPing 11.0/0.8; avgPacketLoss 0.0/0.0%; avgSnapshotLoss 0.0/0.0%, MTU 1492 22:27:49.520 | client: connection closed. DR\_CLIENT\_GAME\_FINISHED 22:27:49.520 | Network stats (bytes per second): avg pushed 954, max pushed 1533, avg sent 1882, max sent 2573, avg received 8616, max received 13929 22:27:49.607 | ReplayManager: stopping activity due to map change 22:27:49.634 | Peak entities: 1178 22:27:49.634 | Peak models: 523 22:27:49.865 | Peak geometries: 2282. Cur geometries: 247 22:27:50.067 | ====== starting level: 'levels\mainmenu\mm\_alidium' ====== 22:27:50.105 | Environment setting 'mm\_alidium' loaded 22:27:50.961 | ====== level started: 'levels\mainmenu\mm\_alidium' success ====== 22:27:50.962 | Environment setting 'mm\_alidium' loaded 22:27:50.977 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 15.0 ms 22:27:50.986 | StoreSvc: received store hash, its 8e924a40 22:27:50.986 | StoreSvc: loading store cache 22:27:50.987 | StoreSvc: cache signature matches, loading the store from cache 22:27:50.987 | Game store size : 885.26172 Kb 22:27:51.001 | StoreSvc: loading base store took 13.6 ms, but there is a patch probs... 22:27:51.098 | Store patch size : 0.24609 Kb 22:27:51.098 | Store patch was packed, unpacked size : 0.43164 Kb 22:27:51.098 | StoreSvc: proceeding to special values loading... 22:27:51.115 WARNING| frame 11801 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.111283) 22:27:51.288 WARNING| frame 11805 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.113525) 22:27:57.592 | StoreSvc: received store hash, its 8e924a40 22:27:57.592 | StoreSvc: loading store cache 22:27:57.592 | StoreSvc: cache signature matches, loading the store from cache 22:27:57.592 | Game store size : 885.26172 Kb 22:27:57.607 | StoreSvc: loading base store took 14.6 ms, but there is a patch probs... 22:27:57.638 | Store patch size : 0.24609 Kb 22:27:57.638 | Store patch was packed, unpacked size : 0.43164 Kb 22:27:57.638 | StoreSvc: proceeding to special values loading... 22:27:57.789 WARNING| frame 12111 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.102754) 22:28:02.441 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 5.8 ms 22:28:02.585 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 45.8 ms 22:28:05.639 | Completed quest 63 22:28:05.710 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 70.4 ms 22:28:05.877 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 8.8 ms 22:28:05.920 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 27.6 ms 22:28:14.437 | Accepted quest 64 with stage 0 and progress 0 22:28:14.472 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 35.6 ms 22:28:22.659 | Profile 'irsi' saved successfully in 'c:\users\irsi\onedrive\Документы\my games\starconflict\profiles\0001.prfl' 22:28:23.456 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 13.0 ms 22:29:22.193 | Profile 'irsi' saved successfully in 'c:\users\irsi\onedrive\Документы\my games\starconflict\profiles\0001.prfl' 22:29:22.288 WARNING| frame 16027 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.111606) 22:29:27.309 | OnYupSignInResponse: redirecting to https://online.gaijin.ru/yuplay/token\_login.php?stoken=cu1a3ye9562r65mx5uw8ejtbmp7yzufh&ret=https%3A%2F%2Fstore%2Egaijin%2Enet%2Fstory%2Ephp%3Fid%3D5029 22:29:27.800 WARNING| frame 16306 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.101362) 22:29:34.663 | reset d3d device 22:29:36.603 WARNING| frame 16512 GPU wait time is too large (1.461569) 22:29:36.604 WARNING| frame 16512 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.493284) 22:29:36.632 WARNING| frame 16513 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (1.466297) 22:30:04.296 | Profile 'irsi' saved successfully in 'c:\users\irsi\onedrive\Документы\my games\starconflict\profiles\0001.prfl' 22:30:04.338 WARNING| frame 17790 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.104735) 22:30:05.938 WARNING| frame 17861 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.140861) 22:31:24.401 WARNING| frame 22314 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.107844) 22:33:29.505 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 34.8 ms 22:33:37.306 | Profile 'irsi' saved successfully in 'c:\users\irsi\onedrive\Документы\my games\starconflict\profiles\0001.prfl' 22:33:37.346 WARNING| frame 29647 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.110904) 22:33:39.812 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 65.4 ms 22:33:44.542 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 45.4 ms 22:33:56.409 | MasterServerSession: connect to ZoneInstance, session 266287973174, at addr|35001, zoneId 231 \<undock\>22:33:56.465 | client: start connecting to|35001... 22:33:56.521 | client: connected to|35001, MTU 1492. setting up session... 22:33:56.569 | client. send version check message (938 bytes) 22:33:56.650 | client. got onConnect init message. total 3073 bytes 22:33:56.650 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 0 (Che1, 22553) status 4 team 17 22:33:56.650 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 1 (lrsi [AS], 1423145) status 1 team 18 22:33:56.650 | client: server assigned id 1 22:33:56.650 | client: got level load message 'hub\_crystal\_iridium\_leviathan\_l\_ow' 22:33:56.744 | Profile 'irsi' saved successfully in 'c:\users\irsi\onedrive\Документы\my games\starconflict\profiles\0001.prfl' 22:33:56.763 | ReplayManager: stopping activity due to map change 22:33:56.777 | Peak entities: 1277 22:33:56.777 | Peak models: 349 22:33:56.810 | Peak geometries: 982. Cur geometries: 247 22:33:56.966 | ====== starting level: 'levels\global\_world\_campaign\hub\_crystal\_iridium\_leviathan\_l\_ow' FreeSpace client ====== 22:33:57.269 | Environment setting 'precursor\_zona\_6' loaded 22:33:57.334 | client: send ready message 22:33:57.400 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 0 (Che1, 22553) status 4 team 17 22:33:57.400 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 1 (lrsi [AS], 1423145) status 2 team 18 22:33:57.437 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 1 (lrsi [AS], 1423145) status 4 team 18 22:33:57.469 | client: got init message (and 1st snapshot). ping 12 22:33:58.643 | ====== level started: 'levels\global\_world\_campaign\hub\_crystal\_iridium\_leviathan\_l\_ow' success ====== 22:33:59.834 WARNING| frame 30685 GPU wait time is too large (1.170645) 22:33:59.871 WARNING| script (ui\scripts\work\gameobjects\universe.lua@0): UI.Universe:GetSectorById()[ERROR]: can't find sector by id: 231 22:33:59.871 WARNING| script (ui\scripts\work\gameobjects\universe.lua@0): UI.Universe:GetSectorById()[ERROR]: can't find sector by id: 231 22:33:59.872 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 27.5 ms 22:33:59.897 WARNING| frame 30686 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (1.181079) 22:34:00.227 WARNING| frame 30688 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.312575) 22:34:09.531 WARNING| frame 31227 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.141741) 22:34:17.337 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 2 (CTEPX747720 [], 3056854) status 6 team 19 22:34:20.950 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 2 (CTEPX747720 [Pekc], 3056854) status 4 team 19 22:34:27.095 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 3 (CAMOS, 1250754) status 6 team 20 22:34:28.914 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 3 (CAMOS, 1250754) status 4 team 20 22:34:32.145 | Skip sentence 'NPC\_PLAYER\_ATTACK\_WORKER' due voiceId 2 not setuped 22:34:33.058 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 4 (MAlexey, 3320444) status 6 team 21 22:34:35.617 WARNING| frame 32715 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.115680) 22:34:40.330 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 5 (Torveng, 836566) status 6 team 22 22:34:40.844 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 6 (SHELBY18 [], 3318908) status 6 team 23 22:34:44.228 | Play sentence 'ANCR\_PLAYER\_DESTROY\_ENEMY\_SHIP'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 10.0, voiceid 1 22:34:44.766 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 7 (FR0LEX, 1024294) status 6 team 24 22:34:46.197 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 8 (REKKKER, 41330) status 6 team 25 22:34:46.606 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 5 (Torveng, 836566) status 4 team 22 22:34:48.563 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 4 (MAlexey, 3320444) status 4 team 21 22:34:49.965 | Skip sentence 'NPC\_PLAYER\_ATTACK\_WORKER' due voiceId 1 not setuped 22:34:50.420 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 6 (SHELBY18 [UA1], 3318908) status 4 team 23 22:34:51.049 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 7 (FR0LEX, 1024294) status 4 team 24 22:34:57.795 WARNING| frame 33916 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.108415) 22:34:58.086 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 9 (Gatov, 308842) status 6 team 26 22:35:01.089 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 8 (REKKKER, 41330) status 4 team 25 22:35:01.980 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 9 (Gatov, 308842) status 4 team 26 22:35:02.643 | Play sentence 'ANCR\_PLAYER\_DESTROY\_ENEMY\_SHIP'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 10.0, voiceid 1 22:35:05.226 | Skip sentence 'NPC\_PLAYER\_ATTACK\_WORKER' due voiceId 2 not setuped 22:35:07.555 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 10 (petrosyper [], 1116111) status 6 team 27 22:35:15.733 | client: player 2 leave game 22:35:17.269 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 10 (petrosyper [FSF], 1116111) status 4 team 27 22:35:17.527 | Play sentence 'ANCR\_PLAYER\_DESTROY\_ENEMY\_SHIP'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 10.0, voiceid 1 22:35:18.975 | Skip sentence 'NPC\_PLAYER\_ATTACK\_WORKER' due voiceId 3 not setuped 22:35:24.868 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 11 (ZenRi, 3315973) status 6 team 28 group 3776190 22:35:24.990 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 12 (Grid6777, 3321783) status 6 team 29 22:35:29.266 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 11 (ZenRi, 3315973) status 4 team 28 group 3776190 22:35:36.819 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 13 (ALEKSEY [], 2274767) status 6 team 30 22:35:37.735 | Play sentence 'ANCR\_PLAYER\_DESTROY\_ENEMY\_SHIP'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 10.0, voiceid 1 22:35:39.337 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 14 (morgulangmarsky, 1491157) status 6 team 31 22:35:41.114 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 14 (morgulangmarsky, 1491157) status 4 team 31 22:35:42.016 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 12 (Grid6777, 3321783) status 4 team 29 22:35:47.094 | client: player 3 leave game 22:36:03.382 | client: player 11 leave game 22:36:11.259 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 15 (Arnis27 [ST0RM], 1415210) status 6 team 32 group 3776098 22:36:11.844 | Skip sentence 'NPC\_PLAYER\_ATTACK\_WORKER' due voiceId 1 not setuped 22:36:16.409 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 15 (Arnis27 [ST0RM], 1415210) status 4 team 32 group 3776098 22:36:16.923 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 16 (vova33569, 3323256) status 6 team 33 22:36:22.602 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 17 (vikk, 3224574) status 6 team 34 22:36:24.384 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 18 (Gifre, 3322936) status 6 team 35 group 3776224 22:36:26.860 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 19 (fixstroom, 3323257) status 6 team 36 22:36:29.027 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 16 (vova33569, 3323256) status 4 team 33 22:36:29.426 | Play sentence 'ANCR\_PLAYER\_DESTROY\_ENEMY\_SHIP'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 10.0, voiceid 1 22:36:31.456 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 17 (vikk, 3224574) status 4 team 34 22:36:31.926 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 20 (MilordDich, 2409881) status 6 team 37 group 3776224 22:36:33.865 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 13 (ALEKSEY [Black], 2274767) status 4 team 30 22:36:35.489 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 18 (Gifre, 3322936) status 4 team 35 group 3776224 22:36:39.512 | Skip sentence 'NPC\_PLAYER\_ATTACK\_WORKER' due voiceId 3 not setuped 22:36:41.405 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 19 (fixstroom, 3323257) status 4 team 36 22:36:45.354 | client: player 0 leave game 22:36:56.412 | Play sentence 'ANCR\_PLAYER\_DESTROY\_ENEMY\_SHIP'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 10.0, voiceid 1 22:37:04.678 | client: player 9 leave game 22:37:07.313 WARNING| client: removing entity netId 2693 but it doesn't exist (def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:37:07.313 WARNING| client: removing entity netId 2694 but it doesn't exist (def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:37:09.683 | client: player 15 leave game 22:37:17.332 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 20 (MilordDich, 2409881) status 4 team 37 group 3776224 22:37:25.682 WARNING| client: removing entity netId 2805 but it doesn't exist (def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:37:25.682 | client: player 6 leave game 22:37:26.131 | Skip sentence 'ANCR\_REQUEST\_JUMP' due voiceId 1 not setuped 22:37:28.889 | client: player 5 leave game 22:37:29.482 | client: avgPing 12.1/0.8; avgPacketLoss 0.0/0.0%; avgSnapshotLoss 0.1/0.3%, MTU 1492 22:37:29.482 | client: connection closed. DR\_CLIENT\_SERVER\_TRANSFER 22:37:29.482 | Network stats (bytes per second): avg pushed 1312, max pushed 1572, avg sent 2268, max sent 2573, avg received 5707, max received 7322 22:37:29.559 | MasterServerSession: connect to ZoneInstance, session 158913790834, at addr|35039, zoneId 16 22:37:29.600 | client: start connecting to|35039... 22:37:29.612 WARNING| frame 42486 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.124171) 22:37:29.673 | client: connected to|35039, MTU 1492. setting up session... 22:37:29.713 | client. send version check message (915 bytes) 22:37:29.803 | client. got onConnect init message. total 10104 bytes 22:37:29.804 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 6 (THAPA [], 2104383) status 4 team 23 22:37:29.804 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 7 (mikhail8724, 3030719) status 4 team 24 22:37:29.804 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 11 (antloy [], 2915792) status 4 team 28 22:37:29.804 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 12 (XKrivostrelX [], 3314518) status 4 team 29 22:37:29.804 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 13 (ZenRi, 3315973) status 4 team 30 group 3776190 22:37:29.804 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 15 (lrsi [AS], 1423145) status 1 team 32 22:37:29.804 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 18 (SmiokiestBowl670, 3319260) status 4 team 35 22:37:29.805 | client: server assigned id 15 22:37:29.805 | client: got level load message 'wreck\_generic\_rock\_03\_r\_ow' 22:37:29.836 | ReplayManager: stopping activity due to map change 22:37:29.868 | Peak entities: 1229 22:37:29.868 | Peak models: 448 22:37:30.088 | Peak geometries: 1847. Cur geometries: 247 22:37:30.242 | ====== starting level: 'levels\global\_world\_campaign\wreck\_generic\_rock\_03\_r\_ow' FreeSpace client ====== 22:37:30.554 WARNING| Async queue overflow 22:37:30.660 | Resume async queue pushing 22:37:30.681 WARNING| Async queue overflow 22:37:30.794 | Resume async queue pushing 22:37:30.812 WARNING| Async queue overflow 22:37:30.887 | Resume async queue pushing 22:37:30.911 WARNING| Async queue overflow 22:37:30.987 | Resume async queue pushing 22:37:31.017 WARNING| Async queue overflow 22:37:31.093 | Resume async queue pushing 22:37:31.109 WARNING| Async queue overflow 22:37:31.146 | Resume async queue pushing 22:37:31.165 | Environment setting 'empire\_rex\_fallen\_scrapyard' loaded 22:37:31.210 | client: send ready message 22:37:31.285 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 6 (THAPA [TCors], 2104383) status 4 team 23 22:37:31.285 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 7 (mikhail8724, 3030719) status 4 team 24 22:37:31.285 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 11 (antloy [], 2915792) status 4 team 28 22:37:31.285 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 12 (XKrivostrelX [], 3314518) status 4 team 29 22:37:31.285 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 13 (ZenRi, 3315973) status 4 team 30 group 3776190 22:37:31.285 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 15 (lrsi [AS], 1423145) status 2 team 32 22:37:31.285 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 18 (SmiokiestBowl670, 3319260) status 4 team 35 22:37:31.317 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 15 (lrsi [AS], 1423145) status 4 team 32 22:37:31.329 | Skip sentence 'ANCR\_REQUEST\_JUMP' due voiceId 1 not setuped 22:37:31.330 | client: got init message (and 1st snapshot). ping 14 22:37:32.432 | ====== level started: 'levels\global\_world\_campaign\wreck\_generic\_rock\_03\_r\_ow' success ====== 22:37:32.776 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 26.4 ms 22:37:32.832 WARNING| frame 42551 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.294616) 22:37:34.251 | client: player 12 leave game 22:37:46.860 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 16 (kip0995 [Higgs], 2867686) status 6 team 33 group 3776218 22:37:52.512 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 16 (kip0995 [Higgs], 2867686) status 4 team 33 group 3776218 22:37:56.197 | Play sentence 'ANCR\_PLAYER\_DESTROY\_ENEMY\_SHIP'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 10.0, voiceid 1 22:37:56.576 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 17 (leksys00 [BlM], 2725770) status 6 team 34 22:37:59.811 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 17 (leksys00 [BlM], 2725770) status 4 team 34 22:38:03.390 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 33234, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_Nanobots\_Cloud\_T5\_Rare') 22:38:04.174 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 33242, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_Nanobots\_Cloud\_T5\_Rare') 22:38:04.957 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 33265, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_Nanobots\_Cloud\_T5\_Rare') 22:38:05.407 WARNING| client: removing entity netId 33273 but it doesn't exist (def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:38:05.407 | client: player 6 leave game 22:38:05.680 WARNING| frame 44505 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.142182) 22:38:05.683 | client: player 13 leave game 22:38:12.707 | Play sentence 'NPC\_PIRATE\_ATTACK\_PLAYER'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 50.0, voiceid 3 22:38:12.707 | Skip sentence 'NPC\_PLAYER\_ATTACK\_PIRATE' due channel\_timeout 22:38:19.939 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 33657, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:38:19.940 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 33659, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:38:23.923 | Play sentence 'ANCR\_PLAYER\_DESTROY\_ENEMY\_SHIP'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 10.0, voiceid 1 22:38:24.822 WARNING| client: removing entity netId 33796 but it doesn't exist (def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:38:26.172 | Skip sentence 'NPC\_PLAYER\_ATTACK\_PIRATE' due already playing 'ANCR\_PLAYER\_DESTROY\_ENEMY\_SHIP' 22:38:32.737 | Skip sentence 'NPC\_PIRATE\_ATTACK\_PLAYER' due timeout 22:38:40.368 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 34334, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:38:41.672 | Play sentence 'ANCR\_PLAYER\_DESTROY\_ENEMY\_SHIP'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 10.0, voiceid 1 22:38:59.165 | client: player 11 leave game 22:39:03.983 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 9 (Egorkrutoy2006, 3034310) status 6 team 26 group 3776218 22:39:10.747 | Play sentence 'NPC\_PIRATE\_ATTACK\_PLAYER'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 50.0, voiceid 3 22:39:11.865 | Play sentence 'NPC\_PLAYER\_ATTACK\_PIRATE'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 50.0, voiceid 3 22:39:13.383 | Play sentence 'ANCR\_PLAYER\_DESTROY\_ENEMY\_SHIP'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 10.0, voiceid 1 22:39:13.385 | Stop sentence 'NPC\_PLAYER\_ATTACK\_PIRATE' due owner death 22:39:17.315 | client: player 17 leave game 22:39:17.414 | SN\_PLAYER\_BOUGHT\_PREMIUM\_VESSEL: filtered due to notificationRank = 8 and myRank = 15 22:39:18.847 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 9 (Egorkrutoy2006, 3034310) status 4 team 26 group 3776218 22:39:25.576 WARNING| client: removing entity netId 34798 but it doesn't exist (def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:39:31.908 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 1 (Bars8709 [], 1544160) status 6 team 18 22:39:36.291 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 14 (ALEKSEY [Black], 2274767) status 6 team 31 22:39:48.443 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 1 (Bars8709 [FIRE], 1544160) status 4 team 18 22:40:01.287 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 14 (ALEKSEY [Black], 2274767) status 4 team 31 22:40:07.154 | Skip sentence 'ANCR\_START\_SCANNING' due voiceId 1 not setuped 22:40:13.452 | Skip sentence 'ANCR\_START\_SCANNING' due voiceId 1 not setuped 22:40:21.135 | client: player 7 leave game 22:40:23.434 | Skip sentence 'ANCR\_START\_SCANNING' due voiceId 1 not setuped 22:41:17.176 | client: player 18 leave game 22:41:20.666 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 20 (Andreidros9 [], 3272516) status 6 team 37 group 3776170 22:41:20.667 | client: player 1 leave game 22:41:20.992 WARNING| client: removing entity netId 37019 but it doesn't exist (def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:41:24.657 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 20 (Andreidros9 [DNS], 3272516) status 4 team 37 group 3776170 22:41:42.105 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 37617, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_Artillery') 22:41:43.123 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 37646, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_Artillery') 22:41:44.471 | Play sentence 'ANCR\_SHIELD\_DESTROYED'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 30.0, voiceid 1 22:41:44.741 | Skip sentence 'ANCR\_SHIELD\_DESTROYED' due timeout 22:41:47.388 WARNING| client: removing entity netId 37802 but it doesn't exist (def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:42:03.451 | client: player 9 leave game 22:42:08.951 | client: player 14 leave game 22:42:14.235 | client: player 16 leave game 22:42:20.797 | Skip sentence 'ANCR\_START\_SCANNING' due voiceId 1 not setuped 22:42:28.264 | client: player 20 leave game 22:42:42.228 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 19 (Gifre, 3322936) status 6 team 36 group 3776224 22:42:50.325 | Skip sentence 'ANCR\_START\_SCANNING' due voiceId 1 not setuped 22:42:54.443 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 19 (Gifre, 3322936) status 4 team 36 group 3776224 22:43:46.619 | Play sentence 'NPC\_PIRATE\_ATTACK\_PLAYER'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 50.0, voiceid 1 22:43:56.118 | Play sentence 'NPC\_PLAYER\_ATTACK\_PIRATE'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 50.0, voiceid 2 22:43:57.182 | Skip sentence 'NPC\_PLAYER\_ATTACK\_PIRATE' due timeout 22:44:00.266 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 40218, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:44:00.266 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 40220, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:44:04.963 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 9 (Egorkrutoy2006, 3034310) status 6 team 26 group 3776218 22:44:06.682 | Skip sentence 'NPC\_PIRATE\_ATTACK\_PLAYER' due timeout 22:44:10.264 | Play sentence 'ANCR\_PLAYER\_DESTROY\_ENEMY\_SHIP'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 10.0, voiceid 1 22:44:14.333 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 9 (Egorkrutoy2006, 3034310) status 4 team 26 group 3776218 22:44:19.095 | Skip sentence 'NPC\_PLAYER\_ATTACK\_PIRATE' due timeout 22:44:19.747 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 21 (Levret, 3322249) status 6 team 38 group 3776091 22:44:19.964 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 22 (osfer12, 3322254) status 6 team 39 group 3776091 22:44:24.844 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 21 (Levret, 3322249) status 4 team 38 group 3776091 22:44:26.677 | Skip sentence 'NPC\_PIRATE\_ATTACK\_PLAYER' due timeout 22:44:34.443 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 22 (osfer12, 3322254) status 4 team 39 group 3776091 22:44:41.962 | Skip sentence 'NPC\_PLAYER\_ATTACK\_PIRATE' due timeout 22:44:42.062 | Play sentence 'ANCR\_PLAYER\_DESTROY\_ENEMY\_SHIP'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 10.0, voiceid 1 22:44:46.176 | Skip sentence 'ANCR\_PLAYER\_DESTROY\_ENEMY\_SHIP' due timeout 22:44:58.522 | Play sentence 'NPC\_PLAYER\_ATTACK\_PIRATE'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 50.0, voiceid 1 22:44:59.074 | Play sentence 'ANCR\_PLAYER\_DESTROY\_ENEMY\_SHIP'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 10.0, voiceid 1 22:44:59.078 | Stop sentence 'NPC\_PLAYER\_ATTACK\_PIRATE' due owner death 22:45:06.656 | Skip sentence 'NPC\_PLAYER\_ATTACK\_PIRATE' due timeout 22:45:09.971 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 43864, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:45:09.971 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 43866, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 22:45:12.955 | Play sentence 'ANCR\_PLAYER\_DESTROY\_ENEMY\_SHIP'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 10.0, voiceid 1 22:45:26.100 | client: player 9 leave game 22:45:26.884 | Skip sentence 'ANCR\_START\_SCANNING' due voiceId 1 not setuped 22:45:30.136 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 2 (R5D5 [], 1595332) status 6 team 19 22:45:36.316 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 2 (R5D5 [SKAS], 1595332) status 4 team 19 22:45:42.182 | Dedicated server told us to DC with reason 25 22:45:42.182 | client: avgPing 13.7/0.8; avgPacketLoss 0.0/0.0%; avgSnapshotLoss 0.0/0.0%, MTU 1492 22:45:42.182 | client: connection closed. DR\_CLIENT\_DOCK\_SPACE\_STATION 22:45:42.182 | Network stats (bytes per second): avg pushed 1279, max pushed 1435, avg sent 2238, max sent 2431, avg received 5463, max received 8537 22:45:42.300 | ReplayManager: stopping activity due to map change 22:45:42.310 | Peak entities: 1092 22:45:42.311 | Peak models: 500 22:45:42.534 | Peak geometries: 1826. Cur geometries: 247 22:45:42.679 | ====== starting level: 'levels\mainmenu\mm\_alidium' ====== 22:45:42.679 | Dock to SpaceStation in zone 231 22:45:42.719 | Environment setting 'mm\_alidium' loaded 22:45:43.485 | Profile 'irsi' saved successfully in 'c:\users\irsi\onedrive\Документы\my games\starconflict\profiles\0001.prfl' 22:45:43.647 | ====== level started: 'levels\mainmenu\mm\_alidium' success ====== 22:45:43.881 | Peak models: 341 22:45:43.890 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 242.5 ms 22:45:44.015 WARNING| frame 71906 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.313773) 22:45:44.032 WARNING| frame 71907 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.116248) 22:46:15.626 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 64.3 ms 22:46:23.695 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 54.8 ms 22:46:45.075 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 39.8 ms 22:47:13.339 | StoreSvc: received store hash, its 8e924a40 22:47:13.339 | StoreSvc: loading store cache 22:47:13.340 | StoreSvc: cache signature matches, loading the store from cache 22:47:13.340 | Game store size : 885.26172 Kb 22:47:13.351 | StoreSvc: loading base store took 11.4 ms, but there is a patch probs... 22:47:13.406 | Store patch size : 0.24609 Kb 22:47:13.406 | Store patch was packed, unpacked size : 0.43164 Kb 22:47:13.406 | StoreSvc: proceeding to special values loading... 22:47:13.566 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 6.1 ms 22:47:28.354 | StoreSvc: received store hash, its 8e924a40 22:47:28.354 | StoreSvc: loading store cache 22:47:28.355 | StoreSvc: cache signature matches, loading the store from cache 22:47:28.355 | Game store size : 885.26172 Kb 22:47:28.365 | StoreSvc: loading base store took 9.9 ms, but there is a patch probs... 22:47:28.421 | Store patch size : 0.24609 Kb 22:47:28.421 | Store patch was packed, unpacked size : 0.43164 Kb 22:47:28.421 | StoreSvc: proceeding to special values loading... 22:47:45.158 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 29.2 ms 22:48:45.209 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 35.8 ms 22:49:45.239 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 25.6 ms 22:50:45.320 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 27.3 ms 22:51:45.428 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 38.9 ms 22:52:45.516 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 34.1 ms 22:53:45.586 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 36.9 ms 22:54:45.655 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 37.5 ms 22:55:04.044 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 41.4 ms 22:55:45.733 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 25.9 ms 22:56:45.834 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 27.1 ms 22:57:45.922 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 23.6 ms 22:58:46.017 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 29.3 ms 22:59:46.096 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 26.3 ms 22:59:57.591 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 32.0 ms 22:59:57.788 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 26.7 ms 23:00:40.290 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 27.0 ms 23:00:46.176 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 23.4 ms 23:01:32.645 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 35.7 ms 23:01:46.274 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 25.3 ms 23:02:46.367 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 23.9 ms 23:03:46.446 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 25.1 ms 23:04:46.520 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 25.1 ms 23:05:11.869 | Number of audio devices: 3 23:05:11.869 | Audio device 0: Speakers (High Definition Audio Device) 23:05:11.869 | Audio device 1: Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device) 23:05:11.869 | Audio device 2: 8=0\<8:8 (3- Logitech USB Headset) 23:05:11.869 | Number of recording audio devices: 1 23:05:11.869 | Recording audio device 0: Microphone (3- Logitech USB Headset) 23:05:16.497 WARNING| frame 108879 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.171478) 23:05:20.960 | Number of audio devices: 2 23:05:20.960 | Audio device 0: Speakers (High Definition Audio Device) 23:05:20.960 | Audio device 1: Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device) 23:05:20.960 | Number of recording audio devices: 0 23:05:46.587 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 35.5 ms 23:06:46.628 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 32.9 ms 23:07:46.712 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 36.9 ms 23:08:46.773 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 36.5 ms 23:09:46.851 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 35.1 ms 23:10:46.886 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 24.4 ms 23:11:46.962 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 23.2 ms 23:12:47.063 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 23.8 ms 23:13:47.159 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 22.7 ms 23:14:47.229 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 23.4 ms 23:15:47.316 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 25.7 ms 23:16:47.411 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 23.1 ms 23:17:47.523 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 40.8 ms 23:17:55.221 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 23.0 ms 23:18:07.616 WARNING| frame 131865 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (1.028932) 23:18:47.589 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 25.0 ms 23:19:47.680 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 40.7 ms 23:20:47.750 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 27.0 ms 23:21:47.847 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 38.4 ms 23:22:44.883 | StoreSvc: received store hash, its 8e924a40 23:22:44.883 | StoreSvc: loading store cache 23:22:44.884 | StoreSvc: cache signature matches, loading the store from cache 23:22:44.884 | Game store size : 885.26172 Kb 23:22:44.906 | StoreSvc: loading base store took 22.5 ms, but there is a patch probs... 23:22:44.950 | Store patch size : 0.24609 Kb 23:22:44.950 | Store patch was packed, unpacked size : 0.43164 Kb 23:22:44.950 | StoreSvc: proceeding to special values loading... 23:22:47.916 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 24.7 ms 23:22:59.873 | StoreSvc: received store hash, its 8e924a40 23:22:59.873 | StoreSvc: loading store cache 23:22:59.874 | StoreSvc: cache signature matches, loading the store from cache 23:22:59.874 | Game store size : 885.26172 Kb 23:22:59.895 | StoreSvc: loading base store took 21.2 ms, but there is a patch probs... 23:22:59.939 | Store patch size : 0.24609 Kb 23:22:59.939 | Store patch was packed, unpacked size : 0.43164 Kb 23:22:59.939 | StoreSvc: proceeding to special values loading... 23:23:48.002 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 25.9 ms 23:24:48.079 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 21.5 ms 23:25:48.135 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 22.7 ms 23:26:48.194 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 40.1 ms 23:27:48.270 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 40.9 ms 23:28:48.319 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 26.8 ms 23:29:48.416 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 27.0 ms 23:30:48.482 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 23.5 ms 23:31:48.526 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 24.5 ms 23:32:48.602 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 24.6 ms 23:33:48.688 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 23.4 ms 23:34:48.788 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 23.5 ms 23:34:53.536 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 22.9 ms 23:35:10.963 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 25.8 ms 23:35:30.395 | StoreSvc: received store hash, its 8e924a40 23:35:30.395 | StoreSvc: loading store cache 23:35:30.396 | StoreSvc: cache signature matches, loading the store from cache 23:35:30.396 | Game store size : 885.26172 Kb 23:35:30.419 | StoreSvc: loading base store took 22.9 ms, but there is a patch probs... 23:35:30.461 | Store patch size : 0.24609 Kb 23:35:30.461 | Store patch was packed, unpacked size : 0.43164 Kb 23:35:30.461 | StoreSvc: proceeding to special values loading... 23:35:45.427 | StoreSvc: received store hash, its 8e924a40 23:35:45.428 | StoreSvc: loading store cache 23:35:45.429 | StoreSvc: cache signature matches, loading the store from cache 23:35:45.429 | Game store size : 885.26172 Kb 23:35:45.446 | StoreSvc: loading base store took 17.2 ms, but there is a patch probs... 23:35:45.493 | Store patch size : 0.24609 Kb 23:35:45.493 | Store patch was packed, unpacked size : 0.43164 Kb 23:35:45.493 | StoreSvc: proceeding to special values loading... 23:35:48.880 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 22.4 ms 23:36:48.938 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 36.9 ms 23:37:49.014 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 37.6 ms 23:38:49.054 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 22.9 ms 23:39:49.127 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 23.6 ms 23:40:49.206 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 25.0 ms 23:41:45.720 | StoreSvc: received store hash, its 8e924a40 23:41:45.720 | StoreSvc: loading store cache 23:41:45.720 | StoreSvc: cache signature matches, loading the store from cache 23:41:45.720 | Game store size : 885.26172 Kb 23:41:45.731 | StoreSvc: loading base store took 11.2 ms, but there is a patch probs... 23:41:45.787 | Store patch size : 0.24609 Kb 23:41:45.787 | Store patch was packed, unpacked size : 0.43164 Kb 23:41:45.787 | StoreSvc: proceeding to special values loading... 23:41:49.292 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 24.6 ms 23:42:00.688 | StoreSvc: received store hash, its 8e924a40 23:42:00.688 | StoreSvc: loading store cache 23:42:00.689 | StoreSvc: cache signature matches, loading the store from cache 23:42:00.689 | Game store size : 885.26172 Kb 23:42:00.709 | StoreSvc: loading base store took 19.6 ms, but there is a patch probs... 23:42:00.754 | Store patch size : 0.24609 Kb 23:42:00.754 | Store patch was packed, unpacked size : 0.43164 Kb 23:42:00.754 | StoreSvc: proceeding to special values loading... 23:42:49.379 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 35.5 ms 23:43:49.449 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 22.5 ms 23:44:47.921 | SN\_PLAYER\_BOUGHT\_PREMIUM\_VESSEL: filtered due to notificationRank = 7 and myRank = 15 23:44:49.489 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 24.7 ms 23:45:49.525 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 13.9 ms 23:45:49.677 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 33.2 ms 23:46:49.615 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 24.3 ms 23:47:49.678 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 25.4 ms 23:48:49.768 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 25.6 ms 23:49:49.839 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 36.3 ms 23:50:49.888 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 30.8 ms 23:51:49.999 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 44.3 ms 23:52:50.056 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 24.2 ms 23:53:50.132 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 24.1 ms 23:54:50.229 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 31.9 ms 23:55:50.307 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 28.1 ms 23:56:50.357 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 29.6 ms 23:57:50.452 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 26.7 ms 23:58:50.499 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 34.3 ms 23:59:01.767 | SN\_PLAYER\_BOUGHT\_PREMIUM\_VESSEL: filtered due to notificationRank = 8 and myRank = 15 23:59:50.541 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 23.5 ms 23:59:57.552 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 27.2 ms 23:59:57.718 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 26.6 ms --- Date: 2018-03-08 (Thu Mar 2018) RTZ 2 (зима) UTC+03:00 00:00:50.647 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 39.4 ms 00:01:50.732 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 25.5 ms 00:02:50.807 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 27.0 ms 00:03:50.906 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 30.1 ms 00:04:50.978 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 28.9 ms 00:05:51.016 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 26.3 ms 00:06:51.103 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 27.7 ms 00:07:51.197 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 25.9 ms 00:08:51.271 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 27.3 ms 00:09:51.366 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 26.1 ms 00:10:13.327 WARNING| frame 225174 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.275655) 00:10:15.611 | Number of audio devices: 3 00:10:15.611 | Audio device 0: Speakers (High Definition Audio Device) 00:10:15.611 | Audio device 1: Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device) 00:10:15.611 | Audio device 2: DELL U2410 (Intel(R) Display Audio) 00:10:15.611 | Number of recording audio devices: 0 00:10:21.672 | Number of audio devices: 4 00:10:21.672 | Audio device 0: Speakers (High Definition Audio Device) 00:10:21.672 | Audio device 1: Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device) 00:10:21.672 | Audio device 2: DELL U2410 (Intel(R) Display Audio) 00:10:21.672 | Audio device 3: 8=0\<8:8 (3- Logitech USB Headset) 00:10:21.672 | Number of recording audio devices: 1 00:10:21.672 | Recording audio device 0: Microphone (3- Logitech USB Headset) 00:10:40.350 | reset d3d device 00:10:41.617 WARNING| frame 225982 GPU wait time is too large (0.801109) 00:10:41.619 WARNING| frame 225982 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.482748) 00:10:42.288 WARNING| frame 225983 GPU wait time is too large (0.665730) 00:10:42.291 WARNING| frame 225983 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.806959) 00:10:42.310 WARNING| frame 225984 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.671819) 00:10:42.600 ERROR| OnYupPurchasesReponse: status = 'ERROR', error='Auth error: Wrong token (LOGINERROR)' 00:10:51.444 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 37.0 ms 00:11:23.418 | Profile 'irsi' saved successfully in 'c:\users\irsi\onedrive\Документы\my games\starconflict\profiles\0001.prfl' 00:11:23.536 WARNING| frame 227843 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.161773) 00:11:24.724 | Profile 'irsi' saved successfully in 'c:\users\irsi\onedrive\Документы\my games\starconflict\profiles\0001.prfl' 00:11:24.788 WARNING| frame 227905 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.129416) 00:11:32.462 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 49.6 ms 00:11:38.403 | { 00:11:38.403 | "arcade": 1.000 00:11:38.403 | "region": 1.000 00:11:38.403 | } 00:11:38.752 | MasterServerEndpoint: enter matchmaking queue 00:11:38.752 WARNING| script (ui\scripts\public\uipublic.lua@0): ^5UI:MasterServer\_OnEnterMMQueue 00:11:38.860 | Profile 'irsi' saved successfully in 'c:\users\irsi\onedrive\Документы\my games\starconflict\profiles\0001.prfl' 00:11:38.904 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 151.9 ms 00:11:38.918 WARNING| frame 228601 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.155952) 00:12:17.107 | MasterServerEndpoint: leave matchmaking queue ( but will join the game soon ) 00:12:17.133 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 25.4 ms 00:12:17.519 | nextRecheckOnDSFailure 454.106, vid 10089115 00:12:17.519 | nextRecheckOnDSFailure 454.106, vid 10104240 00:12:17.519 | nextRecheckOnDSFailure 454.106, vid 21811823 00:12:17.519 | nextRecheckOnDSFailure 454.106, vid 22163539 00:12:17.595 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 76.2 ms 00:12:17.598 | MasterServerSession: connect to dedicated server, session 33124872, at addr|35000 00:12:17.641 | client: start connecting to|35000... 00:12:17.708 | client: connected to|35000, MTU 1492. setting up session... 00:12:17.756 | client. send version check message (915 bytes) 00:12:17.874 | client. got onConnect init message. total 17102 bytes 00:12:17.875 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 0 (UTZZ [ST0RM], 2569565) status 4 team 1 00:12:17.875 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 1 (zloyminer, 1530676) status 4 team 2 00:12:17.875 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 2 (KommunisT [], 1837084) status 4 team 1 00:12:17.875 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 3 (Florin35b [], 1177181) status 4 team 2 00:12:17.875 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 4 (FoolhardY [], 64871) status 4 team 1 00:12:17.875 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 5 (PsiHunter, 919344) status 4 team 2 00:12:17.875 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 6 (SeraX [], 93) status 4 team 1 00:12:17.875 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 7 (Asgard88 [SKAS], 1534932) status 4 team 2 00:12:17.875 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 8 (Igrrek [ST0RM], 849663) status 4 team 1 00:12:17.875 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 9 (Isgramorr [], 2682479) status 4 team 2 00:12:17.875 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 10 (Kopcap18ru [BPATA], 103425) status 4 team 1 00:12:17.875 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 11 (ASCENDED [], 1039139) status 4 team 2 00:12:17.875 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 12 (TheDarkRedFox [CRS], 263501) status 6 team 1 00:12:17.875 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 13 (lrsi [AS], 1423145) status 1 team 2 00:12:17.875 | client: server assigned id 13 00:12:17.875 | client: got level load message 's8256\_thar\_ancientcomplex' 00:12:17.918 | ReplayManager: stopping activity due to map change 00:12:17.947 | Peak entities: 1641 00:12:17.947 | Peak models: 342 00:12:17.982 | Peak geometries: 947. Cur geometries: 247 00:12:18.137 | ====== starting level: 'levels\area2\s8256\_thar\_ancientcomplex' TeamDeathMatch client ====== 00:12:18.549 WARNING| Async queue overflow 00:12:18.694 | Resume async queue pushing 00:12:18.710 WARNING| Async queue overflow 00:12:18.823 | Resume async queue pushing 00:12:18.847 WARNING| Async queue overflow 00:12:18.922 | Resume async queue pushing 00:12:18.949 WARNING| Async queue overflow 00:12:19.061 | Resume async queue pushing 00:12:19.089 WARNING| Async queue overflow 00:12:19.201 | Resume async queue pushing 00:12:19.221 WARNING| Async queue overflow 00:12:19.258 | Resume async queue pushing 00:12:19.311 | Environment setting 's8256\_ancientcomplex' loaded 00:12:19.363 | client: send ready message 00:12:19.470 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 0 (UTZZ [ST0RM], 2569565) status 4 team 1 00:12:19.470 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 1 (zloyminer, 1530676) status 4 team 2 00:12:19.470 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 2 (KommunisT [P2W], 1837084) status 4 team 1 00:12:19.470 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 3 (Florin35b [FAITH], 1177181) status 4 team 2 00:12:19.470 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 4 (FoolhardY [RoA], 64871) status 4 team 1 00:12:19.470 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 5 (PsiHunter, 919344) status 4 team 2 00:12:19.470 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 6 (SeraX [SYN], 93) status 4 team 1 00:12:19.470 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 7 (Asgard88 [SKAS], 1534932) status 4 team 2 00:12:19.470 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 8 (Igrrek [ST0RM], 849663) status 4 team 1 00:12:19.470 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 9 (Isgramorr [LLC], 2682479) status 4 team 2 00:12:19.470 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 10 (Kopcap18ru [BPATA], 103425) status 4 team 1 00:12:19.470 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 11 (ASCENDED [Holow], 1039139) status 4 team 2 00:12:19.470 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 12 (TheDarkRedFox [CRS], 263501) status 2 team 1 00:12:19.471 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 13 (lrsi [AS], 1423145) status 2 team 2 00:12:19.483 WARNING| 'Module\_HorrorHowl\_T5\_Epic' track parameter is aim or enemy, but model doesn't have corresponding pose parameters 00:12:19.501 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 13 (lrsi [AS], 1423145) status 4 team 2 00:12:19.509 | client: got init message (and 1st snapshot). ping 13 00:12:20.630 | ====== level started: 'levels\area2\s8256\_thar\_ancientcomplex' success ====== 00:12:20.631 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 2355, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:12:20.634 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 2374, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:12:21.377 WARNING| frame 230448 GPU wait time is too large (0.695390) 00:12:21.388 WARNING| frame 230448 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.100548) 00:12:21.390 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 2388, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:12:21.637 WARNING| frame 230449 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.712288) 00:12:21.709 WARNING| frame 230450 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.248652) 00:12:21.896 WARNING| frame 230454 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.108850) 00:12:23.517 WARNING| frame 230536 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.117701) 00:12:23.982 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 2483, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:12:24.221 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 2497, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:12:24.223 WARNING| client: removing entity netId 2499 but it doesn't exist (def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:12:24.238 WARNING| frame 230562 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.107897) 00:12:24.422 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 2504, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_Sparks\_Cannon\_T4\_Rel') 00:12:25.442 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 2540, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_Sparks\_Cannon\_T4\_Rel') 00:12:26.336 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 2561, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:12:26.570 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_KILL\_ENEMY' due too far (owner 'Asgard88') 00:12:27.887 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Asgard88') 00:12:28.300 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 2635, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:12:29.207 WARNING| GreenBattleStation\_T5\_Epic: entity is defined damageable, but 'health' property is 0.0f! health is set to 100 00:12:29.763 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 12 (TheDarkRedFox [CRS], 263501) status 4 team 1 00:12:31.475 | Environment setting 's8256\_ancientcomplex' loaded 00:12:37.156 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Asgard88') 00:12:38.733 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Asgard88') 00:12:39.876 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_ENEMY\_KILL\_ALLY\_SHIP' due too far (owner 'PsiHunter') 00:12:41.809 WARNING| 'Module\_HorrorHowl\_T5\_Epic' track parameter is aim or enemy, but model doesn't have corresponding pose parameters 00:12:42.152 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Isgramorr') 00:12:44.240 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 3031, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:12:44.241 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 3034, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:12:52.076 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'zloyminer') 00:12:53.791 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_ENEMY\_KILL\_ALLY\_SHIP' due too far (owner 'Isgramorr') 00:12:56.243 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Isgramorr') 00:12:56.594 WARNING| script (ui\scripts\work\uigamefuncs.lua@0): UI:GetEntityLocalizedNameByDef()[ERROR]: cannot find def "n/a" 00:12:56.807 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 3252, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:12:57.231 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'ASCENDED') 00:12:57.435 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 3269, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:12:58.052 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 3277, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:12:58.666 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 3285, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:12:59.220 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'ASCENDED') 00:12:59.302 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 3310, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:12:59.624 WARNING| frame 232312 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.154168) 00:12:59.900 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 3335, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:13:02.362 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_ENEMY\_KILL\_ALLY\_SHIP' due too far (owner 'PsiHunter') 00:13:02.611 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'PsiHunter') 00:13:03.209 WARNING| GreenBattleStation\_T5\_Epic: entity is defined damageable, but 'health' property is 0.0f! health is set to 100 00:13:04.386 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 3489, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:13:04.386 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 3491, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:13:06.398 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 3510, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_SuddenFire\_T4\_Mk3') 00:13:06.398 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 3511, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_SuddenFire\_T4\_Mk3') 00:13:06.960 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 3520, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:13:08.624 WARNING| frame 232753 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.101529) 00:13:09.940 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 3612, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:13:11.993 WARNING| frame 232900 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.145920) 00:13:12.133 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_KILL\_ENEMY' due too far (owner 'Asgard88') 00:13:12.837 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'PsiHunter') 00:13:14.020 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'PsiHunter') 00:13:14.262 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 3767, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_SuddenFire\_T5\_Epic') 00:13:14.262 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 3768, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_SuddenFire\_T5\_Epic') 00:13:14.327 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_ENEMY\_KILL\_ALLY\_SHIP' due too far (owner 'Asgard88') 00:13:14.386 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'PsiHunter') 00:13:16.334 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 3790, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:13:20.832 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 3810, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:13:22.068 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 3819, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:13:22.337 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 3828, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:13:24.578 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 3859, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:13:25.296 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_PLAYER\_AND\_ALLY\_LOCK\_SAME\_TARGET' due too far (owner 'Isgramorr') 00:13:25.766 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 3884, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:13:27.155 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Asgard88') 00:13:28.771 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Asgard88') 00:13:30.974 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_PLAYER\_AND\_ALLY\_LOCK\_SAME\_TARGET' due too far (owner 'Florin35b') 00:13:32.848 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 4192, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:13:32.848 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 4194, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:13:33.127 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 4204, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:13:34.228 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_PLAYER\_AND\_ALLY\_LOCK\_SAME\_TARGET' due too far (owner 'zloyminer') 00:13:42.037 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 4546, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:13:42.657 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 4564, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_SuddenFire\_T4\_Mk3') 00:13:42.657 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 4565, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_SuddenFire\_T4\_Mk3') 00:13:43.330 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 4573, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:13:43.944 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 4580, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:13:44.175 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 4583, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:13:44.558 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 4605, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:13:44.667 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_PLAYER\_AND\_ALLY\_LOCK\_SAME\_TARGET' due too far (owner 'Florin35b') 00:13:45.194 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 4640, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:13:45.236 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 4648, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_SuddenFire\_T4\_Mk3') 00:13:45.236 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 4647, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_SuddenFire\_T4\_Mk3') 00:13:45.747 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 4680, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:13:45.793 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 4685, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:13:45.853 WARNING| client: removing entity netId 4696 but it doesn't exist (def 'Projectile\_GreenCrystalHeal\_15') 00:13:46.425 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 4721, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:13:47.032 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 4765, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:13:49.145 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'PsiHunter') 00:13:49.337 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Florin35b') 00:13:49.454 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 4915, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:13:49.732 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 4925, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:13:50.347 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 4961, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:13:50.963 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 4993, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:13:51.596 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 5029, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:13:53.144 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 5103, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:13:53.145 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_ENEMY\_KILL\_ALLY\_SHIP' due too far (owner 'ASCENDED') 00:13:53.146 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 5105, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:13:53.168 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 5110, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:13:54.301 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_PLAYER\_AND\_ALLY\_LOCK\_SAME\_TARGET' due too far (owner 'Isgramorr') 00:13:54.557 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 5143, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:13:55.170 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 5162, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:13:55.777 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 5184, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:13:56.415 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 5197, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:13:57.024 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 5215, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:13:57.024 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 5216, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:13:57.420 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Florin35b') 00:13:57.576 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 5227, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:13:57.637 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 5229, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:13:58.240 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 5243, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:13:58.885 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 5255, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:13:59.158 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 5262, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:14:00.103 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 5280, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:14:03.348 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 5370, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:14:06.052 WARNING| script (ui\scripts\work\uigamefuncs.lua@0): UI:GetEntityLocalizedNameByDef()[ERROR]: cannot find def "n/a" 00:14:09.503 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'zloyminer') 00:14:10.661 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 5570, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:14:11.256 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 5596, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:14:11.889 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 5611, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:14:11.933 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 5614, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:14:12.101 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'ASCENDED') 00:14:12.333 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 5624, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:14:12.333 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 5628, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:14:12.486 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 5634, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:14:13.119 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 5652, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:14:13.630 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 5674, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:14:13.737 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 5676, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:14:14.142 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_KILL\_ENEMY' due too far (owner 'zloyminer') 00:14:14.557 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_PLAYER\_AND\_ALLY\_LOCK\_SAME\_TARGET' due too far (owner 'Florin35b') 00:14:15.600 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 5757, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:14:16.265 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 5788, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:14:18.829 WARNING| script (ui\scripts\work\uigamefuncs.lua@0): UI:GetEntityLocalizedNameByDef()[ERROR]: cannot find def "n/a" 00:14:20.083 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 5905, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:14:20.182 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 5908, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:14:20.801 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 5923, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:14:20.801 WARNING| client: removing entity netId 5925 but it doesn't exist (def 'Projectile\_GreenCrystalHeal\_15') 00:14:21.445 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 5943, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:14:22.025 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 5961, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:14:22.666 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 5980, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:14:22.992 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'zloyminer') 00:14:23.258 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 6006, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:14:23.880 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 6027, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:14:24.501 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 6048, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:14:25.134 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 6064, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:14:25.524 WARNING| client: removing entity netId 6079 but it doesn't exist (def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:14:25.745 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 6086, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:14:25.965 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 6093, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:14:26.355 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 6100, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:14:28.388 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Florin35b') 00:14:28.604 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 6198, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:14:29.045 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 6225, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:14:29.046 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Asgard88') 00:14:29.066 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 6229, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:14:29.670 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 6242, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:14:29.866 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_PLAYER\_AND\_ALLY\_LOCK\_SAME\_TARGET' due too far (owner 'Florin35b') 00:14:30.282 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 6265, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:14:30.382 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_PLAYER\_AND\_ALLY\_LOCK\_SAME\_TARGET' due too far (owner 'zloyminer') 00:14:30.899 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 6284, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:14:31.131 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'zloyminer') 00:14:31.751 WARNING| script (ui\scripts\work\uigamefuncs.lua@0): UI:GetEntityLocalizedNameByDef()[ERROR]: cannot find def "n/a" 00:14:32.918 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_ENEMY\_KILL\_ALLY\_SHIP' due too far (owner 'Florin35b') 00:14:34.388 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 6426, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:14:35.346 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Florin35b') 00:14:35.953 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 6519, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_SuddenFire\_T5\_Epic') 00:14:35.953 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 6518, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_SuddenFire\_T5\_Epic') 00:14:36.779 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Asgard88') 00:14:39.425 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 6695, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_Sparks\_Cannon\_T4\_Rel') 00:14:40.954 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_PLAYER\_AND\_ALLY\_LOCK\_SAME\_TARGET' due too far (owner 'Florin35b') 00:14:41.018 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 6726, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_Sparks\_Cannon\_T4\_Rel') 00:14:41.962 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 6754, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:14:42.864 WARNING| script (ui\scripts\work\uigamefuncs.lua@0): UI:GetEntityLocalizedNameByDef()[ERROR]: cannot find def "n/a" 00:14:45.535 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_PLAYER\_AND\_ALLY\_LOCK\_SAME\_TARGET' due too far (owner 'Isgramorr') 00:14:48.528 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 6826, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:14:49.151 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 6842, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:14:49.170 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_PLAYER\_AND\_ALLY\_LOCK\_SAME\_TARGET' due too far (owner 'Asgard88') 00:14:49.759 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 6857, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:14:50.374 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 6883, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:14:50.716 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 6892, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_Sparks\_Cannon\_T4\_Rel') 00:14:50.992 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 6900, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:14:51.619 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 6912, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:14:51.941 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 6916, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:14:52.215 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 6927, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:14:52.336 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 6935, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:14:52.598 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Isgramorr') 00:14:52.836 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 6947, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:14:53.083 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 6963, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:14:53.460 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 6977, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_MacheteSmartRL2') 00:14:53.733 WARNING| script (ui\scripts\work\uigamefuncs.lua@0): UI:GetEntityLocalizedNameByDef()[ERROR]: cannot find def "n/a" 00:14:53.859 | Play sentence 'ANCR\_PLAYER\_DESTROY\_ENEMY\_SHIP'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 10.0, voiceid 1 00:14:53.859 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_PLAYER\_DESTROY\_ENEMY\_SHIP' due too far (owner 'Isgramorr') 00:14:54.369 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 7021, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_SuddenFire\_T5\_Epic') 00:14:54.369 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 7020, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_SuddenFire\_T5\_Epic') 00:14:55.257 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 7050, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_Sparks\_Cannon\_T4\_Rel') 00:14:55.606 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 7069, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:14:56.071 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_PLAYER\_AND\_ALLY\_LOCK\_SAME\_TARGET' due too far (owner 'zloyminer') 00:14:56.264 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_KILL\_ENEMY' due too far (owner 'zloyminer') 00:14:59.317 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Florin35b') 00:14:59.516 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 7248, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:15:00.083 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_KILL\_ENEMY' due too far (owner 'ASCENDED') 00:15:00.199 WARNING| client: removing entity netId 7286 but it doesn't exist (def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:15:01.539 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 7332, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:15:02.779 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Florin35b') 00:15:03.803 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 7412, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:15:03.977 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 7430, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:15:04.217 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_PLAYER\_AND\_ALLY\_LOCK\_SAME\_TARGET' due too far (owner 'zloyminer') 00:15:04.354 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 7447, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:15:04.354 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 7449, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:15:06.211 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 7538, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:15:06.370 WARNING| script (ui\scripts\work\uigamefuncs.lua@0): UI:GetEntityLocalizedNameByDef()[ERROR]: cannot find def "n/a" 00:15:06.370 WARNING| client: removing entity netId 7545 but it doesn't exist (def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:15:07.714 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_KILL\_ENEMY' due too far (owner 'Florin35b') 00:15:08.336 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Florin35b') 00:15:12.876 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 7756, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:15:12.877 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 7758, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:15:13.416 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'ASCENDED') 00:15:14.685 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 7806, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:15:14.686 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 7808, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:15:16.591 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 7854, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:15:17.798 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_PLAYER\_AND\_ALLY\_LOCK\_SAME\_TARGET' due too far (owner 'Florin35b') 00:15:18.838 WARNING| script (ui\scripts\work\uigamefuncs.lua@0): UI:GetEntityLocalizedNameByDef()[ERROR]: cannot find def "n/a" 00:15:18.838 WARNING| client: removing entity netId 7883 but it doesn't exist (def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:15:21.540 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 7965, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_GreenHealThrower\_15') 00:15:21.540 WARNING| client: removing entity netId 7966 but it doesn't exist (def 'Projectile\_GreenCrystalHeal\_15') 00:15:26.478 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 8124, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:15:29.041 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 8147, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:15:29.620 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 8152, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:15:30.356 WARNING| script (ui\scripts\work\uigamefuncs.lua@0): UI:GetEntityLocalizedNameByDef()[ERROR]: cannot find def "n/a" 00:15:30.565 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'zloyminer') 00:15:33.406 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'zloyminer') 00:15:34.421 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 8236, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:15:35.367 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'zloyminer') 00:15:39.373 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 8343, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:15:40.565 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 8389, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:15:41.890 WARNING| script (ui\scripts\work\uigamefuncs.lua@0): UI:GetEntityLocalizedNameByDef()[ERROR]: cannot find def "n/a" 00:15:42.180 WARNING| client: removing entity netId 8489 but it doesn't exist (def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:15:42.511 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 8512, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:15:43.634 WARNING| client: removing entity netId 8563 but it doesn't exist (def 'Projectile\_GreenCrystalHeal\_15') 00:15:45.876 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 8633, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:15:46.052 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 8642, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:15:46.338 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Florin35b') 00:15:49.018 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 8739, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:15:50.163 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 8754, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:15:50.163 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 8756, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:15:50.584 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 8778, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:15:51.495 WARNING| client: removing entity netId 8817 but it doesn't exist (def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:15:51.838 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #6 for entity with netId 8834, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_SuddenFire\_T5\_Epic') 00:15:51.838 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 8834, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_SuddenFire\_T5\_Epic') 00:15:51.839 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #6 for entity with netId 8833, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_SuddenFire\_T5\_Epic') 00:15:51.839 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 8833, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_SuddenFire\_T5\_Epic') 00:15:51.854 WARNING| frame 240803 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.142486) 00:15:51.890 | Play sentence 'ANCR\_SHIELD\_DESTROYED'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 30.0, voiceid 1 00:15:51.891 | Skip sentence 'ANCR\_HULL\_CRITICAL' due voiceId 1 not setuped 00:15:52.111 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 8860, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:15:52.723 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #6 for entity with netId 8875, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_SuddenFire\_T5\_Epic') 00:15:52.723 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 8875, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_SuddenFire\_T5\_Epic') 00:15:52.723 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #6 for entity with netId 8874, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_SuddenFire\_T5\_Epic') 00:15:52.723 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 8874, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_SuddenFire\_T5\_Epic') 00:15:53.227 | Queue sentence 'ANCR\_LOST\_CONNECTION\_WITH\_SHIP' due already playing 'ANCR\_SHIELD\_DESTROYED' 00:15:53.227 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_ENEMY\_KILL\_ALLY\_SHIP' due too far (owner 'Asgard88') 00:15:53.624 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 8904, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_SuddenFire\_T5\_Epic') 00:15:53.624 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 8903, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_SuddenFire\_T5\_Epic') 00:15:54.377 | Play sentence 'ANCR\_LOST\_CONNECTION\_WITH\_SHIP'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 30.0, voiceid 1 00:15:54.742 WARNING| script (ui\scripts\work\uigamefuncs.lua@0): UI:GetEntityLocalizedNameByDef()[ERROR]: cannot find def "n/a" 00:15:54.742 WARNING| client: removing entity netId 8946 but it doesn't exist (def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:15:55.755 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 8998, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:15:55.755 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 9000, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:15:57.187 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'zloyminer') 00:15:57.775 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 9081, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:15:57.776 WARNING| GreenBattleStation\_T5\_Epic: entity is defined damageable, but 'health' property is 0.0f! health is set to 100 00:15:57.940 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 9088, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:15:57.941 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 9090, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:16:03.752 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Isgramorr') 00:16:04.386 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #5 for entity with netId 9191, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_CrystalHamstring') 00:16:04.952 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 9202, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:16:07.252 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Isgramorr') 00:16:07.485 WARNING| script (ui\scripts\work\uigamefuncs.lua@0): UI:GetEntityLocalizedNameByDef()[ERROR]: cannot find def "n/a" 00:16:07.996 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Isgramorr') 00:16:10.427 | Environment setting 's8256\_ancientcomplex' loaded 00:16:10.564 WARNING| client: removing entity netId 9278 but it doesn't exist (def 'Projectile\_GreenCrystalHeal\_15') 00:16:12.250 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 9325, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:16:12.250 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 9326, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:16:13.478 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_ENEMY\_KILL\_ALLY\_SHIP' due too far (owner 'Asgard88') 00:16:17.709 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 9404, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:16:20.059 WARNING| script (ui\scripts\work\uigamefuncs.lua@0): UI:GetEntityLocalizedNameByDef()[ERROR]: cannot find def "n/a" 00:16:20.063 | Play sentence 'CMDR\_TDM\_ALLY\_REMAIN\_FEW\_SHIPS'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 1.0, voiceid 2 00:16:20.184 WARNING| client: removing entity netId 9497 but it doesn't exist (def 'Projectile\_GreenCrystalHeal\_15') 00:16:22.806 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_KILL\_ENEMY' due too far (owner 'ASCENDED') 00:16:24.004 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'ASCENDED') 00:16:24.203 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_ENEMY\_KILL\_ALLY\_SHIP' due too far (owner 'zloyminer') 00:16:27.169 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 9658, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:16:28.002 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'zloyminer') 00:16:29.503 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'zloyminer') 00:16:30.272 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 9698, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:16:32.618 WARNING| script (ui\scripts\work\uigamefuncs.lua@0): UI:GetEntityLocalizedNameByDef()[ERROR]: cannot find def "n/a" 00:16:35.561 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'zloyminer') 00:16:35.990 | Play sentence 'CMDR\_REMAIN\_LITTLE\_TIME'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 1.0, voiceid 2 00:16:38.168 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #5 for entity with netId 9868, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_CrystalHamstring') 00:16:38.450 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 9882, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:16:39.668 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 9913, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:16:39.668 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 9915, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:16:42.824 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 9997, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:16:42.939 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_ENEMY\_KILL\_ALLY\_SHIP' due too far (owner 'ASCENDED') 00:16:45.059 WARNING| script (ui\scripts\work\uigamefuncs.lua@0): UI:GetEntityLocalizedNameByDef()[ERROR]: cannot find def "n/a" 00:16:48.828 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 10043, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:16:48.828 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 10045, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:16:49.659 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_ENEMY\_KILL\_ALLY\_SHIP' due too far (owner 'ASCENDED') 00:16:50.477 WARNING| frame 244007 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.105008) 00:16:55.266 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 10102, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:16:55.650 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Florin35b') 00:16:55.715 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 10111, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:16:57.850 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_KILL\_ENEMY' due too far (owner 'Florin35b') 00:16:57.899 WARNING| script (ui\scripts\work\uigamefuncs.lua@0): UI:GetEntityLocalizedNameByDef()[ERROR]: cannot find def "n/a" 00:16:57.899 WARNING| client: removing entity netId 10137 but it doesn't exist (def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:16:58.549 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Florin35b') 00:17:06.933 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 10440, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:17:08.120 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 10492, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:17:08.453 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 10502, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_SuddenFire\_T5\_Epic') 00:17:08.453 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 10503, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_SuddenFire\_T5\_Epic') 00:17:08.620 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 10512, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:17:09.341 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 10545, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_SuddenFire\_T5\_Epic') 00:17:09.341 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 10544, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_SuddenFire\_T5\_Epic') 00:17:10.470 WARNING| script (ui\scripts\work\uigamefuncs.lua@0): UI:GetEntityLocalizedNameByDef()[ERROR]: cannot find def "n/a" 00:17:10.471 WARNING| client: removing entity netId 10587 but it doesn't exist (def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:17:10.697 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 10596, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:17:12.900 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_KILL\_ENEMY' due too far (owner 'Florin35b') 00:17:13.161 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 10727, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:17:13.161 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 10729, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:17:14.065 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 10750, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:17:17.151 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 10835, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:17:18.325 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 10884, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:17:18.325 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 10887, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:17:19.914 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 10945, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:17:20.687 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 10987, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:17:22.317 WARNING| GreenBattleStation\_T5\_Epic: entity is defined damageable, but 'health' property is 0.0f! health is set to 100 00:17:23.111 WARNING| script (ui\scripts\work\uigamefuncs.lua@0): UI:GetEntityLocalizedNameByDef()[ERROR]: cannot find def "n/a" 00:17:23.275 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 11052, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:17:24.175 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 11070, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:17:26.303 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 11149, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:17:26.640 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 11159, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_SuddenFire\_T5\_Epic') 00:17:26.640 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 11158, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_SuddenFire\_T5\_Epic') 00:17:27.645 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 11177, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_SuddenFire\_T5\_Epic') 00:17:27.645 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 11176, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_SuddenFire\_T5\_Epic') 00:17:28.652 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 11207, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_SuddenFire\_T5\_Epic') 00:17:28.652 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 11206, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_SuddenFire\_T5\_Epic') 00:17:29.445 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 11233, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:17:29.446 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 11232, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_Sparks\_Cannon\_T4\_Rel') 00:17:30.463 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Asgard88') 00:17:31.052 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Isgramorr') 00:17:32.088 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_ENEMY\_KILL\_ALLY\_SHIP' due too far (owner 'Asgard88') 00:17:32.090 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_KILL\_ENEMY' due too far (owner 'Florin35b') 00:17:32.090 WARNING| client: removing entity netId 11379 but it doesn't exist (def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:17:32.101 WARNING| client: removing entity netId 11381 but it doesn't exist (def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:17:32.101 WARNING| client: removing entity netId 11377 but it doesn't exist (def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:17:32.101 | Play sentence 'CMDR\_DEFEAT\_TDM\_SCORE\_REACHED'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 1.0, voiceid 2 00:17:37.232 | ReplayManager: replay (4.11Mb) is avaibalbe for downloading! 00:17:39.040 | Loot: 00:17:39.040 | Silver\_Junk\_T1\_4: 1 00:17:40.573 | nextRecheckOnDSFailure 132.743, vid 10089115 00:17:40.573 | nextRecheckOnDSFailure 132.743, vid 10104240 00:17:40.573 | nextRecheckOnDSFailure 132.743, vid 21811823 00:17:40.573 | nextRecheckOnDSFailure 132.743, vid 22163539 00:17:40.639 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 66.2 ms 00:17:40.719 | Loot: 00:17:40.719 | Silver\_Junk\_T1\_4: 1 00:17:41.258 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 39.3 ms 00:17:41.378 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 9.7 ms 00:17:42.628 | Loot: 00:17:42.628 | Silver\_Junk\_T1\_3: 1 00:17:43.142 | client: player 3 leave game 00:17:43.302 | client: player 7 leave game 00:17:43.482 | client: player 9 leave game 00:17:44.481 | Loot: 00:17:44.481 | Silver\_Junk\_T1\_13: 1 00:17:45.718 | client: player 1 leave game 00:17:46.338 | client: player 11 leave game 00:17:46.682 | client: player 5 leave game 00:17:47.864 | client: player 0 leave game 00:17:48.492 | client: avgPing 13.2/0.7; avgPacketLoss 0.0/0.0%; avgSnapshotLoss 0.0/0.0%, MTU 1492 00:17:48.492 | client: connection closed. DR\_CLIENT\_GAME\_FINISHED 00:17:48.492 | Network stats (bytes per second): avg pushed 1129, max pushed 1611, avg sent 2056, max sent 2652, avg received 6275, max received 9139 00:17:48.607 | ReplayManager: stopping activity due to map change 00:17:48.629 | Peak entities: 1190 00:17:48.630 | Peak models: 503 00:17:48.827 | Peak geometries: 2017. Cur geometries: 247 00:17:49.004 | ====== starting level: 'levels\mainmenu\mm\_alidium' ====== 00:17:49.050 | Environment setting 'mm\_alidium' loaded 00:17:49.865 | ====== level started: 'levels\mainmenu\mm\_alidium' success ====== 00:17:49.865 | Environment setting 'mm\_alidium' loaded 00:17:59.970 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 71.9 ms 00:17:59.985 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 11.5 ms 00:18:11.542 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 39.3 ms 00:18:11.769 WARNING| frame 248499 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.206613) 00:18:12.521 | Profile 'irsi' saved successfully in 'c:\users\irsi\onedrive\Документы\my games\starconflict\profiles\0001.prfl' 00:18:12.556 WARNING| frame 248538 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.100451) 00:18:19.129 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 82.8 ms 00:18:44.388 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 28.6 ms 00:18:45.047 | Profile 'irsi' saved successfully in 'c:\users\irsi\onedrive\Документы\my games\starconflict\profiles\0001.prfl' 00:19:07.621 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 17.7 ms 00:19:08.801 | Profile 'irsi' saved successfully in 'c:\users\irsi\onedrive\Документы\my games\starconflict\profiles\0001.prfl' 00:19:11.816 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 39.0 ms 00:19:12.447 | Profile 'irsi' saved successfully in 'c:\users\irsi\onedrive\Документы\my games\starconflict\profiles\0001.prfl' 00:19:12.477 WARNING| frame 251782 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.102639) 00:19:24.968 | { 00:19:24.968 | "arcade": 1.000 00:19:24.968 | "region": 1.000 00:19:24.968 | } 00:19:25.344 | MasterServerEndpoint: enter matchmaking queue 00:19:25.344 WARNING| script (ui\scripts\public\uipublic.lua@0): ^5UI:MasterServer\_OnEnterMMQueue 00:19:25.451 | Profile 'irsi' saved successfully in 'c:\users\irsi\onedrive\Документы\my games\starconflict\profiles\0001.prfl' 00:19:25.472 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 127.9 ms 00:19:25.483 WARNING| frame 252396 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.131507) 00:19:59.828 | MasterServerEndpoint: leave matchmaking queue ( but will join the game soon ) 00:19:59.852 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 24.4 ms 00:20:00.967 | nextRecheckOnDSFailure 601.604, vid 10089115 00:20:00.967 | nextRecheckOnDSFailure 601.604, vid 10104240 00:20:00.967 | nextRecheckOnDSFailure 601.604, vid 21811823 00:20:00.967 | nextRecheckOnDSFailure 601.604, vid 22163539 00:20:01.036 WARNING| m\_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 68.3 ms 00:20:01.039 | MasterServerSession: connect to dedicated server, session 33125000, at addr|35000 00:20:01.081 | client: start connecting to|35000... 00:20:01.226 | client: connected to|35000, MTU 1492. setting up session... 00:20:01.315 | client. send version check message (915 bytes) 00:20:01.521 | client. got onConnect init message. total 17101 bytes 00:20:01.522 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 0 (redyyoda, 2859504) status 4 team 1 00:20:01.522 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 1 (Falcatum, 1108383) status 4 team 1 00:20:01.522 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 2 (madarchit, 1058313) status 4 team 2 00:20:01.522 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 3 (heracles [], 2068057) status 4 team 2 00:20:01.522 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 4 (CoeurPourpre [], 945815) status 4 team 1 00:20:01.522 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 5 (Sirocool [Odins], 2379941) status 4 team 2 00:20:01.522 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 6 (xNaStRoNx [], 1293190) status 4 team 1 00:20:01.522 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 7 (NeoInpu [], 2859561) status 4 team 2 00:20:01.522 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 8 (GarikHanda [], 2186422) status 4 team 1 00:20:01.522 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 9 (reilusitano [FAITH], 3236290) status 4 team 2 00:20:01.522 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 10 (lrsi [AS], 1423145) status 1 team 1 00:20:01.522 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 11 (Florin35b [FAITH], 1177181) status 6 team 2 00:20:01.522 | client: server assigned id 10 00:20:01.522 | client: got level load message 'sirus\_debrissite' 00:20:01.556 | ReplayManager: stopping activity due to map change 00:20:01.605 | Peak entities: 1250 00:20:01.605 | Peak models: 359 00:20:01.663 | Peak geometries: 1032. Cur geometries: 247 00:20:01.825 | ====== starting level: 'levels\area3\sirus\_debrissite' Control client ====== 00:20:02.258 WARNING| Async queue overflow 00:20:02.365 | Resume async queue pushing 00:20:02.379 WARNING| Async queue overflow 00:20:02.454 | Resume async queue pushing 00:20:02.472 WARNING| Async queue overflow 00:20:02.547 | Resume async queue pushing 00:20:02.562 WARNING| Async queue overflow 00:20:02.637 | Resume async queue pushing 00:20:02.653 WARNING| Async queue overflow 00:20:02.729 | Resume async queue pushing 00:20:02.741 WARNING| Async queue overflow 00:20:02.853 | Resume async queue pushing 00:20:02.876 WARNING| Async queue overflow 00:20:02.953 | Resume async queue pushing 00:20:02.975 | Environment setting 'empire\_sirus\_debrissite' loaded 00:20:03.014 | client: send ready message 00:20:03.170 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 0 (redyyoda, 2859504) status 4 team 1 00:20:03.170 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 1 (Falcatum, 1108383) status 4 team 1 00:20:03.170 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 2 (madarchit, 1058313) status 4 team 2 00:20:03.170 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 3 (heracles [LSADI], 2068057) status 4 team 2 00:20:03.170 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 4 (CoeurPourpre [LTR], 945815) status 4 team 1 00:20:03.170 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 5 (Sirocool [Odins], 2379941) status 4 team 2 00:20:03.170 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 6 (xNaStRoNx [ALF], 1293190) status 4 team 1 00:20:03.170 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 7 (NeoInpu [xWARx], 2859561) status 4 team 2 00:20:03.170 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 8 (GarikHanda [BNHS], 2186422) status 4 team 1 00:20:03.170 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 9 (reilusitano [FAITH], 3236290) status 4 team 2 00:20:03.170 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 10 (lrsi [AS], 1423145) status 2 team 1 00:20:03.171 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 11 (Florin35b [FAITH], 1177181) status 2 team 2 00:20:03.192 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 10 (lrsi [AS], 1423145) status 4 team 1 00:20:03.197 | client: got init message (and 1st snapshot). ping 39 00:20:04.324 | ====== level started: 'levels\area3\sirus\_debrissite' success ====== 00:20:04.326 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_KILL\_ENEMY' due too far (owner 'Falcatum') 00:20:04.791 WARNING| frame 254558 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.409579) 00:20:04.905 WARNING| frame 254560 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.104765) 00:20:06.297 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'xNaStRoNx') 00:20:07.414 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'xNaStRoNx') 00:20:08.490 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 11 (Florin35b [FAITH], 1177181) status 4 team 2 00:20:10.969 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_ATTACKING\_POINT\_DRONE\_1' due too far (owner 'xNaStRoNx') 00:20:11.072 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 12 (vollcore [Odins], 1681001) status 6 team 1 00:20:11.083 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 13 (LORDMAGNUM [], 2307182) status 6 team 2 00:20:13.683 | Play sentence 'CMDR\_ALLY\_POINT\_NO\_DRONES\_LEFT\_0'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 1.0, voiceid 1 00:20:15.162 | Environment setting 'empire\_sirus\_debrissite' loaded 00:20:15.342 WARNING| frame 255137 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.155858) 00:20:15.967 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_ATTACKING\_POINT\_DRONE\_1' due too far (owner 'xNaStRoNx') 00:20:16.187 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Falcatum') 00:20:19.109 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'CoeurPourpre') 00:20:20.423 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_KILL\_ENEMY' due too far (owner 'CoeurPourpre') 00:20:21.469 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 14 (ApolloF117, 888826) status 6 team 1 00:20:21.511 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 15 (Ubivashka [FURIA], 30196) status 6 team 2 00:20:22.132 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 13 (LORDMAGNUM [RvNs], 2307182) status 4 team 2 00:20:24.264 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 15 (Ubivashka [FURIA], 30196) status 4 team 2 00:20:26.114 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 12 (vollcore [Odins], 1681001) status 4 team 1 00:20:26.582 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'CoeurPourpre') 00:20:32.964 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 14 (ApolloF117, 888826) status 4 team 1 00:20:32.998 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'CoeurPourpre') 00:20:34.432 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:34.997 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:34.997 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:35.215 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:35.449 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:35.449 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:35.450 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:35.565 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:35.781 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:36.396 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:36.964 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:37.016 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:37.016 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:37.016 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:37.017 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:37.017 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:37.412 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 2610, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:20:37.412 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:37.413 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:37.464 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:37.464 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:37.464 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:37.680 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'redyyoda') 00:20:37.747 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:37.800 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:37.801 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:37.801 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:37.802 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:38.034 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:38.080 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:38.081 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:38.081 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:38.268 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:38.268 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:38.313 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:38.480 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:38.480 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:38.480 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:38.480 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:38.481 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:38.646 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:38.830 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:38.831 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:38.831 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:38.831 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:38.980 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:38.980 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:38.981 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:38.981 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:38.981 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:39.165 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:39.165 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:39.165 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:39.165 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:39.166 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:39.314 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:39.314 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:39.314 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:39.314 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:39.314 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:39.497 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:39.498 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:39.498 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:39.663 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:39.663 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:39.663 ERROR| PSM\_CHANGE\_PLAYER\_STATUS: playerIdx 5, idx 0, statuses num 0 00:20:39.715 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_ENEMY\_KILL\_ALLY\_SHIP' due too far (owner 'Falcatum') 00:20:42.295 | Play sentence 'CMDR\_ALLY\_POINT\_NO\_DRONES\_LEFT\_0'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 1.0, voiceid 1 00:20:43.861 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Falcatum') 00:20:44.260 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 3117, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_SuddenFire\_T5\_Epic') 00:20:45.866 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_KILL\_ENEMY' due too far (owner 'xNaStRoNx') 00:20:46.594 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Falcatum') 00:20:49.594 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 3668, but entity doesn't exist(def 'SpellAuraEntity') 00:20:56.108 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 4335, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:21:01.442 | Play sentence 'CMDR\_ALLY\_POINT\_NO\_DRONES\_LEFT\_0'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 1.0, voiceid 1 00:21:03.574 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_ENEMY\_KILL\_ALLY\_SHIP' due too far (owner 'GarikHanda') 00:21:03.658 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Falcatum') 00:21:04.991 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 4941, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:21:07.459 | Play sentence 'ANCR\_ALLY\_POINT\_CAPTURED'. channel\_timeout 1.0, timeout 1.0, voiceid 1 00:21:11.040 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'GarikHanda') 00:21:11.494 WARNING| GreenBattleStation\_T5\_Epic: entity is defined damageable, but 'health' property is 0.0f! health is set to 100 00:21:12.593 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'CoeurPourpre') 00:21:12.790 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'CoeurPourpre') 00:21:16.098 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_PLAYER\_AND\_ALLY\_LOCK\_SAME\_TARGET' due too far (owner 'CoeurPourpre') 00:21:16.901 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 5706, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:21:18.153 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Falcatum') 00:21:19.283 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_LOCKED\_BY\_TWO\_ENEMIES' due too far (owner 'Falcatum') 00:21:19.752 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_ENEMY\_KILL\_ALLY\_SHIP' due too far (owner 'ApolloF117') 00:21:20.495 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #1 for entity with netId 5964, but entity doesn't exist(def 'Projectile\_ZoneCleaner\_T5\_Epic') 00:21:23.346 | Skip sentence 'TEAM\_PLAYER\_AND\_ALLY\_LOCK\_SAME\_TARGET' due too far (owner 'vollcore') 00:21:23.512 | client: ADD\_PLAYER 16 (TORNADO16Rus [], 799993) status 6 team 1 00:21:23.522 FATAL| Texture creation error: Direct3D out of memory on file: models\ships\race\_2\m\race2\_m\_t4\_prem\_uniq\_ny\_sc 00:21:23.522 ERROR| failed to load texture: models\ships\race\_2\m\race2\_m\_t4\_prem\_uniq\_ny\_sc 00:21:23.522 FATAL| Texture creation error: Direct3D out of memory on file: models\ships\race\_2\jericho\_signs01 00:21:23.522 ERROR| failed to load texture: models\ships\race\_2\jericho\_signs01 00:21:23.527 FATAL| ===!!! Out of system memory !!!=== 00:21:23.527 FATAL| Unsuccessfully tried (20 times) to allocate 4096 kb from Top 00:21:23.527 FATAL| System allocator borders 0xF6200000-0xF65E0000 00:21:23.527 WARNING| ======================= MEMORY USAGE ============================ 00:21:23.527 WARNING| Physical : totl 32209.06M used 13403.86M free 18805.20M 00:21:23.527 WARNING| Virtual : totl 4095.88M used 4014.33M free 81.54M 00:21:23.527 FATAL| ===!!! Out of system memory !!!===




[@lrsi](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/1105373-lrsi/)Я имел в виду “приложите, как вложение”. И dxdiag не помешает тоже