Weapon Balances/Баланс орудий

Heavy plasma : 220 impact, 330 dps (472.67)

Decreased damage from 354.5 impact to 220

increased rate of fire to 90

Hail Plasma : 160 impact, 240 dps (200)

Increased damage from 182.3 to 160

increase rate of fire to 90

increased charge speed to 3450

Rapid : 82.5 impact 330 dps (357)

Increased damage from 76 to 82.5

decreased rate of fire to 240

Assault: 100 impact, 333.3 dps (358.33)

decreased damage from 107.5 to 100

decreased spread to 0.95

Heavy Laser: 220, 330dps (322)

Decreased Damage from 370 to 220

increased rate of fire 90

Set to projectile based weapon

Set Projectile Charge speed to 4250

Set Overheating to 9 seconds

Set Cooling to 3 seconds

Assualt beam: 185 impact, 277.5 dps (235.1)

Decrease the damage from 235.5 to 185

Increased rate of fire to 90 RPM

Long Range Beam: 135 impact, 247.5 dps (195)

Increased rate of fire to 110

decreased damage to 135 from 195.9

Raid Pulse: 85 impact,340Dps (378)

Decreased damage from 99.2 to 85

Assault Rail: 270 Impact, 270 dps (279.75)

increased damage from 111.9 to 270

decreased rate of fire to 60

Rapid-Fire: 60 Impact, 280 dps (261.63)

decreased damage from 111.9 to 60

increased rate of fire to 280

Stabilized 225 impact, 225 dps (186.53)

Decreased damage from 248.7 to 225

Increased rate of fire to 60

Heavy Railguns: 335 impact, 335 dps (351)

Decreased damage from 562 to 335

Increased rate of fire to 60

new corrects

Heavy plasma :

decreased impact to 220

increased rate of fire to 90

increase charge speed by 250

Hail Plasma :

increased charge speed to 350

Rapid :

Increased impact 82.5

decreased rate of fire to 240

Assault: 100

increase impact by 12

Heavy Laser:

decrease impact to 260

increase rate of fire to 110

Assualt beam:

Decrease impact to 165

Increased rate of fire to 110

Long Range Beam:

Increased rate of fire to 110

decreased impact to 195.9

Rapid Pulse:

decrease spread by 0.95

Assault Rail:

increased impact from 270

decreased rate of fire to 60


decreased impact 60

increased rate of fire to 280


Decreased impact to 225

Increased rate of fire to 60

Heavy Railguns:

Decreased impct to 335

Increased rate of fire to 60

Tanking with this damage

20000HP / 400 dps = 50s Tank

12500HP / 400 dps = 31.5s Tank

5500HP / 400 dps = 13.75s Tank

20000HP / 300 dps = 66.6s Tank

12500HP / 300 dps = 41.6s Tank

5500HP / 300 dps = 18.3s Tank

Weapons are being corrected from patch to patch anyway :slight_smile:

Sorry i did not get you point.

Yes, canon have such parameters and what ?

Sorry i did not get you point.

Yes, canon have such parameters and what ?

Он во втором посте написал, как их следует изменить.

New Change 


Assault laser

rate of fire : 160

impact : 135

range 2.4k optimal

dps (360)

Одно оружие - несколько кораблей, еще больше наборов модулей.

Как балансить?

Один удачный корабль и набор для одного оружия - это супер! Для другого - это плохо.

Чтобы что-то балансить - вначале нужен порядок.

  1. Понять: какое оружие лучше для кора.

  2. Сравнить корабли.

  3. Балансить корабли и оружие.

  4. Сто раз повторить.

i think rapid should be interceptor only ( up to 2k optimal)

heavy should be frigate only (3k optiomal)


Assault/long range any ship 

Hail Plasma : 160 impact, 240 dps (200)

Increased damage from 182.3 to 160

This is not increased =) This is decreased

rate of fire went up, typo =/