Сегодня я хотел бы представить вам интернет-приложение, которое включает карту Открытого космоса с почтовыми дронами и список модулей, орудий и модификаторов (в виде иконок), которые можно получить в выбранном секторе.
Cześć, warto dodać opisy łupów. Moduły | ikony broni są dobre, ale fajnie będzie dodać kilka podpowiedzi. Spójrz na zrzut ekranu: po prostu dodaj atrybut title do swojej div za pomocą stylu obrazu tła. a cienie są zbyt tłuste i zbyt zielone … ohh 2px czarne cienie na tekście i 1px biała ramka na polach (w ogóle nie ma cieni) wystarczą … inaczej użytkownik zapomni o skupieniu.
Z poważaniem, Hardtokill, twórca mysc.space
После некоторых раздумий я решил убрать внутренние тени с изображений и улучшить тени в текстах.
I like the implementation ![:010j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/010j.png “:010j:”). For a complete buzz, there is not enough description of the modules when pointing the cursor at the icon.
No optimisation. For the first run i was waiting around 2 minutes while all data will be parsed and all <script> containers will be added. I can recommend to create html-code on the server-side with PHP (if you store information in database|xml|txt files). Then - all interactive actions could be realized through one javascript event, binded to <body> element with onClick-event:
// add unique id to the main-content block, for example #contentdocument.querySelector(’#content’).addEventListener(‘click’,function(e){// e.target - is a DOM object, which user can click on the screen// here is a way how we can understand if user clicked the element with class “your-custom-class”,// where we are tracking the “onClick” eventif(e.target){// = if click happened// container which was clicked option=e.target;// saving clicked object as variable “option” // then if “option” container may be just a child of the trackable element // we are trying to find it’s parent where we are tracking click element object=option.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement;// saving parent element of our clicked element as variable “object” // here i imagined that my inner child clickable object is on the 4th level of enclosure// use as much .parentElement affix as needed// let’s check if our “object” element is onClick-trackable element if(object.className.search(‘your-custom-class’)!==-1){// let the function to understand the ID of the parent element // by providing “object” variable as argument to your custom_function your_custom_function(object);}}})
By this method you will add just 1 event listener instead of ~100 for locations and 1 event listener for equipment. It will let your website to work in a several times faster, than now. Also you will have to do 1 generic handler for your listeners.
You’re printing scripts as html… Seems your real-time idea isn’t working as you wanted. (found it for ?lang=ru version of the app)